Frank-Walter Steinmeier has been nominated to replace Joschka Fischer as Germany's new foreign minister. I've never heard of him. Who is he? Report from Reuters:
Frank-Walter Steinmeier... is a close ally of outgoing Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder who has so far preferred a low profile to the political spotlight.A law graduate, he has earned a reputation across party lines as an efficient manager and tireless worker in six years as the head of Schroeder's chancellery.Steinmeier now assumes one of the most visible roles in German politics. He will need great diplomatic finesse in handling ties with Washington, soured by the outgoing government's opposition to the Iraq war, and forging consensus with allies over the EU's future.Steinmeier would serve as foreign minister for the Social Democrats (SPD) in a "grand coalition" of Germany's two big parties under conservative leader Angela Merkel.German newspapers have nicknamed the 49-year-old the "Little Chancellor", the "Chancellor Whisperer" and "Dr Flawless".As a behind-the-scenes operator, the white-haired Steinmeier has generally given few clues about his own political beliefs.
Some clues about his views on foreign policy can be found in this speech he delivered last month in Berlin. Here he defends the legacy of Schroeder and emphasizes the achievements of the outgoing Red-Green governing coaltion.
• den Stabilitätspakt für Südost-Europa,
• die sicherheitspolitische Stabilisierung des westlichen Balkans,
• die Kölner Entschuldungsinitiative für die ärmsten Entwicklungsländer,
• den Rechtsstaatsdialog mit China,
• den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof,
• die sogenannte "Road-Map" im Nahost-Friedensprozess,
• die klare öffentliche Positionierung gegen den Irak-Krieg,
• die Initiative der EU-3 zur Aufnahme von Verhandlungen mit dem Iran,
• den Entwurf einer Verfassung für die Europäische Union,
• die Formulierung einer Europäischen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik,
• die strategische Partnerschaft mit Russland,
• die Unterstützung des friedlichen Wandels in der Ukraine,
• die Reform der Bundeswehr und die Erarbeitung neuer sicherheitspolitischer Richtlinien, um die Bundeswehr für die Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu rüsten
Conspiculously absent from this list is any mention of the United States, and today's New York Times speculates that there will be little change in US/Germany relations in the new government in Berlin.
For a view of Steinmeier as a Powerbroker, read this post by Dr. Dean.
Der Tagesspiegel writes about US reactions to the new government. Here's a quote re the friend-foe thinking concerning a forein ministry run by a SPDler:
"Auffallend ist das Freund-Feind- Schema bei der außenpolitischen Analyse. Die Kommentare erwecken den Eindruck einer geringen Kenntnis deutscher Außenpolitik und ihres traditionell parteiübergreifenden Konsenses. Dass die SPD das Außenministerium besetzt, wird pauschal negativ bewertet: als Zeichen dass sich „Schröders Anti-Amerika- Kurs“ fortsetze;"
I think this friend-foe thinking stands very much in the way for better transatlantic relations (and many other issues).
Schroeder's comments, when he left office, are stupid and childish and have reinforced this friend-foe thing and will make Steinmeier's job more difficult.
"I do not want to name any catastrophes where you can see what happens if organised state action is absent. I could name countries, but the position I still hold forbids it, but everyone knows I mean America," he said to loud applause."
Posted by: Jorg | October 14, 2005 at 12:41 PM
The impression I get is that he was chosen as someone who gets along well with others. Perhaps selecting someone with more outspoken views and a more definite record might have compromised the SPD's negotiating position on other coalition-building issues.
In any case, good thing its an SPD man. But I'm sorry to see Fischer go.
Posted by: ludwig | October 24, 2005 at 02:56 AM