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January 13, 2006



First of all, I have read that there were at most a few BND agents in Iraq during this time. Do you really believe they could provide useful information to the US invaders? Also, the DW-World article/interview is very lean on details. Herr Schmitt-Eenboom sees a "campaign," but doesn't provide enough information to really even evaluate his claim. How was this "campaign" conducted? What are some examples of CIA involvement in this campaign? Do you really believe that if the CIA was the "news source," that Süddeutsche Zeitung and ARD would not have named the CIA as such?


Hey David
Why not mention in your post that Mr. Azmy has also been reported as being the lawyer for... Murat Kurnaz? I wouldn't think this to be un-newsworthy, or un-related to the story!


Kuch -
I write he was Murat's attorney. I assume everyone would know I mean Murat Kurnaz, or are there other Murats at Guantanamo?

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