In recent years the Republican Party has managed to gain votes by bashing gays. Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson has good summary of this strategy in today's paper:
The party has stigmatized gay people as "them," not "us" -- as a class of people whose "lifestyle" is unsavory and whose committed relationships must never be recognized, lest the republic instantly crumble to dust.
So the GOP has a problem when a Republican Congressman is revealed to be a closeted homosexual who preys on teenaged boys serving as congressional pages. After it turned out that the Republican Party leadership had known about this for years, but covered it up for political gain, I was curious about how this would play out. Would the leadership take responsibility for their actions or lack thereof? Or would they try to pin the blame on someone else (like Bill Clinton)? Well, yesterday house speaker Dennis Hastert told the world who is really behind the scandal: the Jewish investment banker George Soros:
"The people who want to see this thing blow up are ABC News and a lot of Demoratic operatives, people funded by George Soros,'' Hastert says in the interview published this morning.
Soros is the favorite target of the extreme right wing groups in the US who are fond of uncovering the Jewish conspiracy that really runs the US (and the world). Thus in the white supremacist Web site (caution: hate site!) Soros frequently appears as "the currency-manipulator jew Soros... the quintessential jew money-grubber". This sentiment can be traced back to the classic Nazi propaganda film Der ewige Jude, which describes a vast Jewish conspiracy that controls global capital:
Obwohl nur ein Prozent der Erdbevölkerung terrorisieren sie doch mit Hilfe ihres Kapitals Weltbörse, Weltmeinung und Weltpolitik. New York ist heute das Zentrum der jüdischen Macht. (trans. Although only one per cent of the world's population, with the help of their capital, they terrorize the world stock exchanges, world opinion, and world politics. New York is today the center of Jewish power.)
In Der ewige Jude it was the Rothschilds who were pulling the strings. Today, it is George Soros. But the message remains the same. I'm sure that Hastert has managed to energize his Republican "base".
this is so.. provincial. Should be clear that Soros is attacked for being a leftist in word and deed. US-American hate culture can not attack jewish or black people openly anymore, it's the Muslims who get murdered by the thousands, don't you think?
How about you actually take a trip to Europe. Here we have for ex. Blocher who recently won 'his' anti-foreigner referendum in Switzerland. The guy goes on the main evening news shows and proudly announces that yes of course, this referendum makes a lot of Jews unhappy.
Posted by: name | October 06, 2006 at 02:59 PM
No, it's not true that American hate culture no longer attacks blacks and Jews. However, it has certainly been driven more deeply underground than, say, thirty years ago.
Hastert using antisemitic code? Nah. I don't like the Republicans either but, come on, this doesn't make political sense. The days have long passed when when the GOP was a bunch of WASPs trying to figure out how to keep "ethnics" out of the local country club. It's all about money and phony values now.
You are aware that the chairman of the RNC is Jewish, right?
Posted by: Fry | October 07, 2006 at 05:08 AM
Ken Mehlman is Jewish AND Gay. Undoubtedly he has some "issues" to deal with...
Posted by: David | October 07, 2006 at 06:33 AM