Now that Tom Cruise is playing the role of Claus Schenck Graf von Stauffenberg in the upcoming movei Valkyrie about the failed attempt to assassinate Hitler there is renewed interest in the plot and Stauffenberg's role. There has also been a huge controversy surrounding Cruise's membership in the Scientology cult, with a leader of Germany's protestant church comparing Cruise to Goebbel's. Many in Germany cannot stomach the idea of Cruise acting the role of an iconic hero.
I tend to agree with Dr. Dean that the whole cult of Stauffenberg is overblown and the celebration of anti-democratic Prussian officers as THE heroes of the anti-Nazi resistance demeans the memories of other reisistance fighters. Stauffenberg was most likely motivated by a belief in a mystical "secret Germany" advocated by his early mentor, the poet Stefan George. In any event his assassination attempt came far too late to have changed the course of Hitler's debacle. Why aren't there any blockbuster movie screenplays about Georg Elser - the Christian carpenter who came within 15 minutes of killing Hitler in 1939? Who knows what the world wouild have been spared if this simple, brave man had been successful?
And how many Americans remember the fate of MIldred Fish Harnack, the only American woman executed (via beheading) by the Nazis? Her life and her trials under Nazi justice would make a very compelling screenplay - even for Hollywood. But because she and her husband were affiliated with the communist resistance organization - The Red Orchestra (Die Rote Kapelle) - it is unlikely that any Hollywood producer would want to face the wrath of the right-wing noise machine and make this movie. And so MIldred - a true American heroine - is forgotten, while Stauffenberg is celebrated.
I have no idea whether Valkyrie will be worthwhile project. But I strongly recommend the excellent film Sophie Scholl: The Last Days (2005) about The White Rose student resistance group.
As a cult - if there is any - the thing might be overblown, but for the remilitarization of Germany his heritage is essential, especially for the Bundeswehr. And it should be noticed, that the Bendler-Block in Berlin, where Stauffenberg had his office, is also home of a museum that represents all groups and persons of the resistance against the Nazi regime. Though he and his comrades failed in the attempt to kill Hitler and though it was too late - at least they tried and at last they died.
Posted by: Leftclick | July 24, 2007 at 09:41 AM
"Why aren't there any blockbuster movie screenplays about Georg Elser - the Christian carpenter who came within 15 minutes of killing Hitler in 1939?"
Oh, you haven't seen awarded "Georg Elser - einer aus Deutschland" with an outstanding Klaus Maria Brandauer as Elser. It was also Brandauer's directorial debut in 1989.
Posted by: Axel | July 24, 2007 at 11:56 AM
Thanks for the reminder about the Brandauer film. Unfortunately, I don't believe it ever made it to the US market, and it is NOT available on Netflix :(
Posted by: David | July 25, 2007 at 06:24 AM
Too bad, but that's difficult to understand because Stephen Sheppard wrote the script and he is also the author of the novel "The Artisan" the film is based on. And it seems that the film is a German-US-co-production (Georg Elser aka Seven Minutes as title), originally in English language and then german-dupped.
But I hope you already have seen István Szabó's magnificent "Hanussen" with Brandauer!
Posted by: Axel | July 25, 2007 at 07:23 AM