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July 24, 2007



As a cult - if there is any - the thing might be overblown, but for the remilitarization of Germany his heritage is essential, especially for the Bundeswehr. And it should be noticed, that the Bendler-Block in Berlin, where Stauffenberg had his office, is also home of a museum that represents all groups and persons of the resistance against the Nazi regime. Though he and his comrades failed in the attempt to kill Hitler and though it was too late - at least they tried and at last they died.


"Why aren't there any blockbuster movie screenplays about Georg Elser - the Christian carpenter who came within 15 minutes of killing Hitler in 1939?"

Oh, you haven't seen awarded "Georg Elser - einer aus Deutschland" with an outstanding Klaus Maria Brandauer as Elser. It was also Brandauer's directorial debut in 1989.



Thanks for the reminder about the Brandauer film. Unfortunately, I don't believe it ever made it to the US market, and it is NOT available on Netflix :(


Too bad, but that's difficult to understand because Stephen Sheppard wrote the script and he is also the author of the novel "The Artisan" the film is based on. And it seems that the film is a German-US-co-production (Georg Elser aka Seven Minutes as title), originally in English language and then german-dupped.

But I hope you already have seen István Szabó's magnificent "Hanussen" with Brandauer!

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