Recently I wrote about how "Christian" activists disrupted the invocation by a Hindu cleric in the US senate. Now their German counterparts appear to be at work. As reported by the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, a group of activists caused a disturbance at a lecture by University of Erlangen law professor Matthias Rohe. Rohe has been an advocate for education on Islam in Bavaria:
Etwa sieben Personen hatten einen Vortrag des Erlanger Jura-Professors und Islamwissenschaftlers Mathias Rohe regelrecht gesprengt. Bei der Diskussionsrunde, berichtet Veranstalterin Margret Spohn von der Stelle für interkulturelle Arbeit der Stadt, wurden die Störer immer lauter. Sie hätten andere "niedergeschrien".
Als ein muslimischer Zuhörer ebenfalls in scharfem Tonfall antwortete, entstand ein Tumult. "Ich hatte Angst, dass es zu körperlichen Auseinandersetzungen kommen könnte", sagt die Organisatorin. Er sei von "pöbelhaften Herumschreiern" bedrängt worden, bestätigt auch Rohe. Schließlich brach Spohn die Veranstaltung vorzeitig ab. "Ich finde es entsetzlich, dass es in unserer Stadt Situationen gibt, in denen ein Redner nicht mehr reden kann", sagt sie.
A few days after this event, Professor Rohe received a death threat by email. Those who initiated the disturbance (but not the death threat) are apparently connected to a Christo-Fascist group which operates the Web site Deus Vult (loosely translated as "God's Will Be Done") a rallying cry for the early crusades. The group condemns all Muslims who refuse to convert to Christianity and accept Jesus Christ as their savior.
Threatening emails seem to be more and more common for these "Christian" activists. After the UK site Islamophobia Watch linked to my post on Udo Ulfkotte I received this message from a fan in the UK:
"And you're an islamo-fascist-leninist-stalinist-nazi: true to all totalitarianisms. Let's hope that a 4 x 4 gives you a ride on the hood - with a very aprupt stop at a brick wall or a catapult over a railroad crossing, SOON - like today."
But it is hardly surprising that people feel perfectly comfortable sending such messages. After all, they see Islam "experts" such as Hans-Peter Raddatz on their television equating Islam with terror. Millions of Americans are treated to the hateful commentary of Glenn Beck on his nightly show on CNN Headline News. It is no longer feasible to openly express racism against African-Americans, but it is completely acceptable in US political discourse to demonize Muslims and homosexuals. The Republican Party has made this a cornerstone of the 2008 presidential campaign. Republican Presidential candidate Tom Tancredo - hoping to gain traction with conservative voters - this week advocated bombing Muslim holy sites as a deterrent to prevent Islamic extremists from attacking the US. This is consdered serious foreign policy by the American right.
Now the German site Watchblog Islamophobie has translated my post on Islamofascism, so I am eagerly awaiting more "fan mail" in my inbox.
ich halte, wie du weißt, nicht viel vom politisch-korrektsein.
aber ich finde es bedenklich, daß inzwischen überall auf der welt vertreter der politik die angst vor dem (islamischen) terrorismus und damit den haß schüren. Ich glaube nicht, daß sie sich dieser wirkung nicht bewußt sind.
da wünscht man sich beinahe die zeiten politisch-korrekter redekontrolle zurück.
... und das war m e i n e fanpost.
Posted by: erphschwester | August 05, 2007 at 02:03 PM
And my fan post is, that the German Translation of your post on Islamofascism was todays "Hawt Post" of German wordpress.
Posted by: bigberta | August 05, 2007 at 06:15 PM
And the lunatic fringe is still cheering Tancredo for his statement. Nuts. The really sad thing about this is that moderate people (Muslims, Christians, Atheists, Deists, whatnot) fall between the cracks while the radicals on both site start to garner more and more attention. And at some point people start to believe that there are really only two choices left: Either sharia law or the policy of the lunatic fringe.
The really scary part is that the same mechanisms can be seen in the Netherlands as well. As you can read here:
And Holland was the last country I expected to become a frontline in this ridiculous "Clash of the Cultures" ...
Posted by: Björn | August 08, 2007 at 02:42 PM