The growing intolerance of Islam in Germany has caught the attention of the editors at The American Muslim (HT BigBerta). Unlike in the US - where the neocon establishment in Washington leads the anti-Muslim charge - German Islamophobia is spread primarily through fundamentalist "Christian" organizations:
"Radical Christians are mobilising against Islam. “The groups may be small,” says Andreas Renz, in charge of interreligious dialogue at the Catholic Archdiocese of Munich, “but they exert an enormous amount of pressure with letters to newspapers, with telephone calls to the archdiocese and with their activities at public meetings. They create an atmosphere of insecurity and they do plenty of damage.”
While the two big churches in Germany, the Catholic and the Lutheran-reformed, aim to teach about Islam objectively, and while many communities are active in interreligious dialogue, fundamentalist Christians see Islam as the new threat to Europe. Andreas Renz believes they represent a broad spectrum, which stretches from the far right to the very centre of society. "
Appropriately, the editors of The American Muslim single out the German hate-blog Politically Incorrect as an important resource for the Islamophobic movment, for the site combines its hate with a right-wing glorification of war.
Although these right-wing populist opponents of Islam deny that they have anything to do with right-wing extremism, their websites include uncensored views which pander to the lowest possible instincts. The site is run by Stefan Herre, a Catholic primary school teacher from Bergisch-Gladbach near Cologne. The site has had over four million visitors. It includes an internet shop in which you can buy buttons and mugs with the slogan “Islamophobic – and proud of it.”
Also mentioned are the activities of the Evangelical Alliance in Germany. More on this group and its leader Hartmut Steeb in a later post.
ich fände die äusserungen derartiger extremisten weitaus weniger erschreckend, wenn sie sich nicht zunehmend mit offiziellen politischen stellungnahmen decken würden.
es scheint, die vermeintliche islamistische terrorbedrohung kommt einer vielzahl von politikern sehr recht, um das netz der kontrolle um den normalbürger enger schnüren zu können.
feindbilder jedoch, die geschürt werden, um letztlich uns alle mehr von der demokratie zu entfernen, sollten wir genau im auge behalten.
Posted by: erphschwester | October 06, 2007 at 12:42 PM
Erphschwester, genau das ist der Punkt. Darf ich Dich mal auf diesen Kommentar und unsere Antwort verweisen?
Die Watchblogger und -bloggerinnen diskutieren intern und mit ihren Freunden und Freundinnen auch immer noch den tatsächlichen Stellenwert dieser Blogs, deren Betreiber sich offenbar alle eine Karriere wie Michelle Malkin erhoffen. Einig sind wir uns nur darin, dass sie eine Scharnierfunktion zur Politik und zum Medienmainstream erfüllen. Wie ich auf dem Watchblog bereits ansprach, habe ich genau das auf meinem persönlichen Blog schon mehrfach durchdekliniert.
Posted by: bigberta | October 06, 2007 at 02:28 PM