On the German evangelical Web site idea.de we learn that more Americans now believe in the Devil than in Charles Darwin's theory of evolution:
"Der Teufel trifft in den USA auf größeren Glauben als der „Vater“ der Evolutionstheorie, Charles Darwin (1809-1882). Rund 62 Prozent der Erwachsenen glauben an Satan und die Hölle, aber nur 42 Prozent an die Evolution."
In now appears that American evangelical Christians have found their candidate for president: former Governor Mike Huckabee. Huckabee, an ordained Baptist minister, acknowledged before a national television audience that he doesn't believe in evolution. Last month the European Council condemned the teaching of creationism as a threat to human rights. But in America, creationism and its companion theory - intelligent design - are gaining ground, fueling Huckabee's insurgent candidacy. This week, the director of science curriculum for the State of Texas was forced to resign because she advocated the teaching of evolution over "intelligent design". Texas has one of the largest public education systems in the US.
“Faith doesn’t just influence me. It defines me.” says Huckabee in his most recent campaign TV ad, as the words "Christian Leader" flash on the screen. There is no acknowledgement that America is a land of many faiths, based on the constitutional separation of church and state. Indeed, there was a telling moment in the Republican "YouTube Debate" last week when one of the questioners held up a Bible and asked: Do you believe every word of the Holy Bible"? (watch both the question and the responses here.) Not one of the candidates responded that as president it is his job to uphold the constitution - not the Bible. So a literal belief in the Bible has become a litmus test for the Republican presidential candidates. Paradoxically, the other litmus test is a strong belief in the efficacy of torture as an interrogation technique. Funny, but I cannot find in my Bible the verse where Jesus tells the Disciples: Blessed are the torturers, for they shall inflict righteous pain on the evildoers.