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March 16, 2008



This is an area of study that interests me a lot, too.
A long time ago I read a wonderful book about the relationship between Italian kitsch and fascism. I have been unable to remember the title, alas.


As the author of DISNEY IN DEUTSCHLAND I do contend that a meeting between Disney and Hitler did happen. Whether it did or not, however, is of little relevance to the theme of my play, which suggests a parallel between fantasist and fascist ideas, epitomized by the Neuschwanstein Castle, King Ludwig's Wagnerian dream, and its curious similarity to the Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland. Ludwig's castle was Hitler's favourite as well. The plot does thicken.

ballarini leo

as a child I always been fancying the link between fables and the big drama of man deeds either in the good or bad judgement...and as a teenager I recall the famous love tryst of Tristan and Isotta tragically ended..like all the greek stories and the rise and fall of empires..that s really cringing and amazing

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