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January 31, 2009



Thanks for this fascinating interview.

Constance E. Castellon

Bravo Mr. Nitsch. Weeds Like Us is a moving sensative view of war from the stand point of a young boy with hungry eyes and an inquisitive mind!


Does any one has names and adresses of survivors?
My mother survived it and put the "story" in writing.
My E-mail is: [email protected]

Armando Martinez

I recently met Gunter and his wife in Natchez and lost the calling card he gave us. Iwould like to contact him to send them some pictures we took and also would like to tell him how much I enjoyed his book. We have several things in common but the mos important is that we were both wasserkopfs.


Armando, you can e-mail me your contact information. I will pass your message along to Gunter.

Thomas Jeschke

Could someone ask Gunter Nitsche
whether he could post any pictures
of himself and his family. After reading Weeds Like Us, I have a strong desire to see the faces of Opa, Oma, Mutti, etc..

 jordan 3

You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too.Do you understand?

Kristel Elizabeth Westphal

Dear Mr. Nitsch - Greetings from AZ. I've read Weeds Like Us & Stretch. I thoroughly enjoyed both. Will you follow-up with another book about your life in America? Please think about it. Readers want to know about your life in USA. My husband Erich is a German immigrant who resembles the little boy in boots & cap. Kristel Westphal

Marianna Stilwell

Dear Mr. Nitsch, I too thorouoghly enjoyed your book "Weeds Like Us." Please follow-up with another book about your life after you were reunited with your father, and your life in America.

My daughter met you on the elevator train in Chicago, and you gave her a card with the name of your book on it. Thank you so much for the book and the story of your Oma and Opa...and their faith that sustained them and you through all of the trials of your early life. I too had a dear Oma and Opa, who lived their faith before me too. Please let us hear more from you. I could hardly put the book down. God truly has given you a talent as a writer. May God continue to direct and use you.



Mr. Nitsch did follow up with a sequel to Weeds Like Us.

See my review of Stretch:



David, recently i ,met gunter aand his wife in brasil. He gave me his card but i lost it and i want to write him back by email. He stopped me in the streets and said to me that my little blonde son reminds he wen he was a child..can you give yo him me email? Im laura from argentina de [email protected]

Ulrich Nitsch

Dear Gunter, I just finished reading your book "Eine lange Flucht..." in German. And I feel deeply moved. I identified so strongly with you and your family as if I did belong. Of course, my background with my ancestry stemming from OstPreussen contributes. My grandfather Richard Nitsch was born 1875 in Pr Eylau. My father Karl Egon Nitsch 1909-1942 grew up i Königsberg. He fell as a German soldier in Russia. I was born in Leipzig 1938 and grew up in Sweden. The German catastrophy and the loss of my father remains a wound in my heart. In the last few years I have been visiting the place were my father fell and last year I even managed to visit his school in Kaliningrad. Would be nice to get in touch with you.
Warm regards
Ulrich Nitsch
[email protected]

Katie bowen

Such a wonderful book. I have read it now five times; each time, I am moved beyond words. Thank you to Mr. Nitsch for writing his memoir, for giving insight into a time and a world that otherwise remains somewhat of a mystery

yvonne dartnall

I have just finished reading Weeds Like Us, your moving story of your life experiences. My mother and her family were from Interburg left their home in January 1945. I heard many stories of my families experiences but sadly the family are now all deceased and I am the oldest one left. I am not able to ask anyone now and can only use my memory to pull together the journey my family took. Your book has helped me to understand why my mother was so overprotective of us as children, I recognise some of your Oma and Mutti's Prussian characteristics of strength and a stubbornness to hold their values, and I feel that I am now able to fully recognise my East Prussian heritage. I first went to Koln and Solingen at the age of 6 months (in 1950),and have been so many times since to visit my family all over Germany. My mother came to England to nurse TB patients in about 1949, where she met my father. Thank you for sharing your story, God Bless you.

James & Yvonne Meischen

We meet Gunter and his wife on a cruise to Spain. We sat next to them at a local restaurant and watched Fado singers. We truly enjoyed our visit with him. I have read his book and I could not put it down, especially since we had meet him personally. I would like for him to know and maybe stay in contact with him. Thank you

Carmen Wiesner

Hallo Herr Nitsch,
meine Vorfahren Fritz Nitsch und Louise, geb. Strietzel hatten folgende Söhne: Ferdinand (mein Urgroßvater) Gustav, Willi und Fritz.
Ferdinand ist am 14.11.83 in Lanskron, ebenfalls Bartenstein geboren.
Haben wir evtl. die gleichen Vorfahren?
Ich hatte meinen Eltern ihr Buch geschenkt. Mein Vater war hellauf begeistert.
Vielen Dank dafür. Meine Email: [email protected]
Einen lieben Gruß
Carmen Wiesner


This is an excellent book with so much detail. I couldn't put it down. My father was deported to Siberia and we never knew what he went through. The books lends substance to the fact that the 'them and us' and not Germans vs Russian or vs anybody. There are two sides; the perpetrators and the victims and, although they overlap sometimes. The victims are bound together by their common suffering: the perpetrators of whatever political persuasion are bound by their cynical disregard for life and human values.

Trudy Keith

After reading the books from Gunter Nitsch, I realized how lucky I was to have been in the American Zone. I Always heard negative comments about the Refugees from the east when I was a Child. I don't think the people in the west had any idea or compassion for the refugees from the east.
I was happy to meet the first American Gis, that gave us food and Chocolate and Candy Bars. I just loved them. We also got Care package, and we loved the Spam and Corned Beef.
When the first troops came in, I lived in the Heilbronnn area, I thought it was the beginning of hope and I new life. and it was.


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