German parents who want to protect their children from dangerous Web sites as they surf online can download the Jusprog filter software which automatically blocks offensive sites. But, as blogger Jens Berger pointed out in Der Spiegelfechter, the filter seems to have a special aversion to left-leaning political content. For example, not only is Berger's blog blocked, but also such well known blogs as NachDenkSeiten, Telepolis, and Der Schockwellenreiter = all linked from from this blog. Further, the filter protects the youth of Germany from such dangerous sites as that of the Berlin daily Der Tageszeitung and the main portal of the German Green Party. The TAZ asked in an article Verdirbt die unsere Jugend? ( Is ruining our youth?). Of course, most German school children learn English, so there is a great danger that some may find their way to offensive content in English. Consequently, politically progressive Web sites such as The American Prospect and Toms Dispatch are blocked from viewing.
German parents can also rest easy knowing that if their children should want to access Dialog International they will get this message:
Ironically, as Jens Berger points out in Telepolis, the folks behind also run Fundorado GmbH, a major operator of Internet porno sites.
That is too funny. And very lame, also.
Posted by: hattie | May 31, 2009 at 02:56 PM
Interesting...but is there any more specific option?
Posted by: celebrities | July 04, 2009 at 01:28 AM