The United States government has undertaken an unprecedented rescue and relief effort to save lives and restore some semblance of order in Haiti. Much more needs to be done, to be sure: the scope of the tragedy is nearly incomprehensible. But lives have been saved. American television networks have broadcast images of Haitians being pulled alive from collapsed buildings through the heroic efforts of American and other international rescue teams. But you won't read much about these rescue and relief efforts in the German press. Instead, the German news media seem to be focused on how the US is "occupying" Haiti - as if it were possible to provide food, shelter and medical care without a massive deployment of military assets.
Der Spiegel writes about the race to "colonize" Haiti: Haiti entwickelt sich wieder zur Kolonie. Of course, it is the US that is seeking to (re)colonize the island nation:
Die Marines haben bereits Fakten geschaffen, sie halten den Flughafen in der Hauptstadt und haben vor der Küste mit dem Flugzeugträger "USS Carl Vinson" einen weiteren "schwimmenden Landeplatz" geschaffen. (The marines have created facts on the ground. They control the airport in the capital and have a floating landing strip with the aircraft carrierUSS Carl Vinson off the coast.)
No mention made that the earthquake destroyed the port as well as the airport's control tower.
Das Beben dürfte nun wieder zu einer verstärkten US-Präsenz in der haitianischen Politik führen. Die USA waren zuletzt 1994 mit 20.000 Mann einmarschiert und hatten den aus dem Amt geputschten Präsidenten Jean Bertrand Aristide wieder eingesetzt. (The quake will no dout lead to a greater US influence on Haiti's poltics. The US marched 20,000 troops into Haiti in 1994 to reinstate President Betrand Aristide, who had been ousted in a putsch.)
Google News will take you to this article by the anti-American hate blog Duckhome: The US will occupy Haiti for the long term.
Die USA setzte gleich einen Flugzeugträger in Fahrt. Vermutlich um den Hunger mit Bomben zu bekämpfen. Selbstverständlich haben die USA auch gleich den einzigen Flughafen übernommen. Freunde wie die USA, also imperialistische Eroberer sind eben so. (The US immediately deployed an aircraft carrier - in order to fight hunger by dropping bombs. Of course, the US quickly took over the only airport. Friends like the US - imperlialist conquerors - always behave like this.)
Why does the US have imperialist designs on Haiti? Well, they can create a new military base for threatening Cuba and launching wars against Venezuela and Boliva - while allowing US capitalism to suck the wealth out of the ruined country:
Nun hat der Friedensnobelpreisträger Obama die langfristige Besatzung des Landes angeordnet und wenn die Amerikaner irgendwann wieder abziehen, werden die Menschen in Haiti noch ärmer und noch hoffnungsloser sein. Aber das us-amerikanische Kapital wird sich freuen, neue Militärbasen gegen Kuba und die aufbruchswilligen Länder in Südamerika werden bereit und ein neuer Papa Doc wird dank US-Hilfe an der Macht sein. (Now the Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama has ordered the long-term occupation of the country, and if the Americans ever withdraw the people in Haiti will be even poorer and with any hope. But this capitalists will rejoice, new military bases against Cuba and unfriendly countries in South America and a new Papa Doc will - thanks to US help - be installed in power.)
The writer goes on to say that since President Obama has "lost" the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, it is looking for quick military victories in Latin America.
This is what passes as "analysis" these days on the German left. President Obama was correct when he made the statement while in Europe last spring that " in Europe, there is an anti-Americanism that can be casual but can also be insidious,"