The hatred of the far-right in Germany towards President Obama knows no bounds. The journalist Udo Ulfkotte writes on the Web site of the Kopp Verlag that Barack Obama has a drinking problem:
Barack Obama, ein Alkoholiker und Kettenraucher? Man reibt sich verwundert die Augen. Es handelt sich dabei nicht etwa um einen verfrühten Aprilscherz, sondern um das Ergebnis der ersten offiziellen Untersuchung des Gesundheitszustandes des Präsidenten seit seiner Amtseinführung. (Is Barack Obama an alcoholic and chain-smoker? WE rub our eyes in amazement. But this is no premature April Fool's joke; rather, it is the result of the first official physical exam since he took office.)
Obama, Dr. Ulfkotte writes, deceived the American public into thinking that he had given up tobacco; and the American public is "shocked" at this deception, leading to collapse of public support for the president:
Barack Obama hat die Öffentlichkeit diesen Angaben zufolge in der Vergangenheit offenbar vorsätzlich getäuscht. Er hatte behauptet, im Jahre 2007 mit dem Rauchen aufgehört zu haben. Nun musste er eingestehen, dass er weiterhin raucht. Das alles schockiert die Amerikaner, in deren Ansehen der Präsident seit Wochen schon unaufhaltsam abstürzt.
In reality, there was little commentary on the president's physical exam - which found him in excellent health - and his poll numbers have stabilized at around 50%.
It is interesting that Dr. Ulfkotte continues on this defamation campaign against President Obama. Ulfkotte is notoriously thin skinned, and has abused the libel laws in Germany to take bloggers who criticize his hate-filled diatribes to court.
Dr. Ulfkotte is a guest lecturer at the fundamentalist Christian Olivet University in San Francisco. Last fall it was announced that Dr. Ulfkotte would be lecturing students throughout the United States on "geistige Landesverteidung" - a "Spiritual Defense of Countries" , or, rather, The Fundamentals of Christo-Fascism. No doubt his message will be embraced by the Tea Party activists.
Sorry - did you read his article? He just quotes a London paper...
Posted by: christian Hinterreiner | March 07, 2010 at 04:54 PM
Yes, I read the Guardian piece, which DID NOT state that Obama is an alcoholic and chain-smoker. Those "embellishments" were just part of Ulfkotte's hate campaign. Ulfkotte elected not to quote the section about how the President "was otherwise declared in excellent health and fit for duty."
Posted by: David | March 07, 2010 at 05:12 PM
Smoking is the process of flavoring, cooking, or preserving food by exposing it to the smoke from burning or smoldering plant materials, most often wood. Meats and fish are the most common smoked foods, though cheeses, vegetables, and ingredients used to make beverages such as whisky[1], Rauchbier and lapsang souchong tea are also smoked.
Posted by: investment costa rica | September 23, 2010 at 04:36 PM
A professor with such a hatred attitude is not good for any of his students or society he is teaching in and more precisely when he is teach religion
Posted by: Therty | December 14, 2015 at 01:21 PM