The journalist and security expert Dr. Udo Ulfkotte continues his hate campaign against President Obama on the Web site of Kopp Verlag, which specializes in right-wing conspiracy theories. While most of the world celebrates the new START treaty between the US and Russia which dramatically decreases the number of nuclear weapons, Ulfkotte writes that the treaty is sham and, in fact, the US will be increasing its nuclear capacity on German soil:
Auf dem Fliegerhorst im Eifeldorf Büchel lagern zwei Dutzend taktische amerikanische Atomwaffen. Die Bundesregierung forderte deren Abzug. Doch stattdessen kommt nun klammheimlich die atomare Aufrüstung in der Eifel. Kein anderer amerikanischer Präsident hat jemals so viel Geld für Kriegsführung ausgegeben wie Friedensnobelpreisträger Barack Obama
(The Americans have stored two dozen tactical at the airbase in the EIfel town of Büchel. The German government is demanding their removal, but instead a top=secret nuclear build-up is taking place. No other American president has ever spent so much money on waging war as the Nobe Peace Prize winner Barack Obama).
Aside from the lie that US intends to build up its nuclear arsenal in Germany, Ulfkotte is dishonest in his assertion that the German government has demanded their removal. The most vocal critic of nuclear weapons on German soil has been foreign minister Guido Westerwelle. Westerwelle has praised the latest disarmament moves by President Obama:
"President Obama and now the United Nations have pushed the door to a new era of disarmament wide open. Germany, in particular, has to make the most of this opportunity and set an example to the wannabe nuclear states."
Furthermore, the CDU/CSU have been much more circumspect in making unilateral demands on the US with respect to its nuclear arsenal in recognition of Germany's NATO commitments. Not all NATO members - the eastern European partners in particular - have such a relaxed view of possible threats from Russia.
Ulfkotte goes on in the piece to lie about US plans to launch a surprise attack on Iran with tactical nukes. Both left- and right-wing blogs in Germany have been announcing a US nuclear attack on Iran "in the next 60 days" ever since President Obama took office last year.
Besides lying about President Obama's foreign policy, Ulfkkotte recently lied about Barack Obama's "alcoholism". What is behind Dr. Ulfkotte's hatred of the US president? Barack Obama embodies the multi-ethnic, multi-cultural ideal which is anathema to Ulfkotte and his fans at Kopp Verlag and Junge Freiheit. In Ulfkotte's paranoid worldview, blacks, together with Muslims, represent the greatest global threat to Western civilization. A recent piece mocking Obama and American "negroes" ("Der Neger ist zurück") was followed by an article depicting blacks in Africa as savages.