In 2003 the journalist and security expert Dr. Udo Ulfkotte published a book So lügen Journalisten ("This is How Journalists Lie") where he accused the fourth estate of deliberately distorting the truth. Dr. Ulfkotte needs to add an appendix that covers his own activities, since he routinely publishes lies on the Web site of Kopp Verlag. In his most recent lie, he accuses President Obama of waging war against Christians who want to pray before their meals. His proof? Some seniors at a government-subsidized soup kitchen were told by the local director that they had to pray silently:
Doch es gibt eine Richtlinie, nach der überall dort, wo staatliche Zuschüsse gewährt werden, die strikte Trennung von Staat und Kirche beachtet werden muss. Für die stark christlich geprägte Gemeinde im Altenzentrum nahe Savannah/Georgia war es nun ein tiefer Schock, dass es ihnen von den staatlichen Bediensteten im Auftrag der Regierung verboten wurde, vor dem Essen zu beten. Es ist ja kein Einzelfall. Im ganzen Land dürfen Bedürftige, die staatlich mitfinanzierte Speisen zu sich nehmen, nun vor dem Essen nicht mehr beten. Die Christen reagieren darauf mit Unmut, denn zugleich werden an allen größeren amerikanischen Flüghäfen und an allen Universitäten islamische Gebetsräume und Fußbecken für rituelle Waschungen von Muslimen eingebaut – mit staatlichen Finanzspritzen! Viele christliche Amerikaner glauben deshalb, dass Obama insgeheim einen Kampf gegen das Christentum führt. Das Gebetsverbot ist aus ihrer Sicht nur ein weiteres – diskriminierendes – Beispiel dafür.
(Everywhere where government funding is involved a strict separation of church and state must be observed. For the devout Christian community at the senior center in Savannah, Georgia it came as a shock that the representative of the government prohibited prayer before meals. And this was not an exceptional case. Everywhere in the country where the government is subsidizing meals there cannot be prayer before eating. Christians are upset, since while this is happening Muslims are building prayer rooms and foot baths for ritual cleansing in all the larger airports and universities - with government funds! Many Christians believe that Obama is waging a secret war against Christianity. The prayer prohibition is just one more example of this discrimination.)
Let us break down Ulfkotte's lies here. First, the director of the senior center was not acting as a representative of the government. In fact, state officials told him the next day that he had misinterpreted state guidelines on prayer. Secondly, this happened one time at one senior center - not "everywhere in the country". Thirdly, the federal government is not subsidizing foot baths for Muslim worshipers. And lastly, the only "Christians" who believe that President Obama is "waging a secret war against Christianity" are Christo-fascists such as Ulfkotte.
What makes Ulfkotte's lies doubly absurd is the fact that civil libertarians are outraged at President Obama for observing the National Day of Prayer.
Why does Ulfkotte insist on routinely publishing lies to smear the US and President Obama? Udo Ulfkotte has written elsewhere that black Africans are "savages" and no doubt he agrees with the birthers that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim.
Whilst Udo Ulfkotte may well have published some extraordinary things, indeed derogatory things, about Muslims, which I certainly would not agree with (having worked in a majority Muslim firm for decades, travelled in about ten Muslim countries, and lived in Morocco for two years), you have offered zilch evidence his testimony of CIA and other Intel agencies, including his own German ones, is false.
Here, other than supposition (as in his 'e-coli' rant), he recounts activities he is sure of, not assuming. In any of the other stuff, though wrong, he may have believed what he was writing.
Let me give an example: If I tell people (or published/broadcast) I believed Martians caused the fall of the Twin Towers in Manhattan, with US 'Secret State' collusion, I might well believe that, and would be honest in so doing, albeit mistaken. If, on the other hand, I told people (or published/broadcast) that I had been visited by two suited, heavy-set men who told me to shut up about the 'Secret State', or I would be sleeping with the fishes, that is either true or false.
Udo's accusations (and indeed, confession) are indeed backed up by revelations about the CIA 'Operation Mockingbird', begun in the 1950's (don't try to tell me it has ceased, in this world of 'super-surveillance' and managed information).
Posted by: Paul Barbara | February 26, 2016 at 02:15 PM
Hey, if you choose to believe Ulfkotte's (written-for-profit) infantile conspiracy theories that's your choice. I have nice tinfoil hat for you.
Posted by: David | February 27, 2016 at 06:31 AM