The self-proclaimed Islam expert Dr. Udo Ulfkotte gave a revealing interview with the Leipziger Volkszeitung the other day. Ulfkotte talks about how Muslim immigrants are parasites - he uses the word "locusts" (Heuschrecken) - in Germany; they have consumed "over one trillion" euros in public support and add nothing but crime, terrorism, and religious fanaticism. They must be deported and Germany must immediately stop wasting public funds for "integration" programs, since these people cannot be integrated anyway. Dr. Ulkotte further elaborates on Thilo Sarrazin's crude racial theories by asserting that Muslims in Germany are mating with their first cousins, creating a degenerate gene pool that will only accelerate Germany's decline. None of this is really new and Ulfkotte has made similar arguments in his numerous books and television appearances.
What is new - for me at least - are his frank comments on Germany's demographic time bomb - something I wrote about recently. Without a massive influx of immigrants, experts say Germany faces economic decline, since its population is shrinking at a fast rate. Ulfkotte, however, sees this as a wonderful prospect - a realization of his dream of a racially pure Germany with much more Lebensraum:
Ich kann mir allerdings nichts Schöneres für eine künftige Generation vorstellen als eine schrumpfende Bevölkerungszahl in Deutschland.Ob sich unsere Kinder einmal werden vorstellen können, dass wir viel Zeit in Staus auf den Straßen verbracht haben? Werden sie es wirklich vermissen, nicht in übervollen stinkenden Zugabteilen der Bahn zu reisen? Stellen Sie sich doch auch einfach einmal vor, Sie können im Sommer endlich grillen oder Radio auf der Terrasse hören, ohne dass es den dann weit entfernten Nachbarn stört. Da ist halt kein Nachbar am Balkon, der gerade jetzt seine Ruhe haben will oder aber seine Verwandten zu Besuch hat. Ist das wirklich eine Horrorvision? Dänemark und Norwegen sind wesentlich weniger dicht besiedelt als Deutschland, ist das für Dänen und Norweger etwa eine Katastrophe? Ist es etwa eine Katastrophe, wenn Arbeitskräfte in Deutschland bald so begehrt werden, dass man ihnen auch in fortgeschrittenem Alter viel mehr Geld als heute bezahlt?
(I can't think of anything more beautiful for the future generation than a declining population in Germany. Will our children be able to imagine how much time we wasted in traffic jams? Will they really miss standing in overcrowded, foul-smelling trains? Just imagine that you could grill in peace on your deck and listen to the radio without worrying that you were disturbing the neighbors. For there won't be neighbors standing on their balconies who want peace and quiet or who have invited their relatives over. Is that really such a terrible thought? Denmark and Norway have much lower population density than Germany. Is that a catastrophe for the Danes and the Norwegians? Is it a catastrophe if there was such a demand for German workers that they would earn much more money than today even at an advanced age?)
Deportations, then, along with Germany's declining birth rate, will automatically solve the problem of Volk ohne Raum.
Incidentally, the interview is no longer available on the Web site of the Leipziger Volkszeitung (perhaps because this letter (pdf) was sent to the editors).
i would like to have the original article if you've got it.
Posted by: Omar | September 26, 2010 at 04:12 PM
Omar - This right-wing extremist site actually copied and published the entire interview:
Shows you what kind of fans Dr. Ulfkotte has!
Posted by: David | September 26, 2010 at 04:27 PM
Immigration is one thing, muslim immigration is quite another thing. If all these theories about population decline are true, then we should favor christian immgration to Germany and Europe, not muslim immigration.
Muslims cannot be integrated in a western society.......rom
Posted by: rom | September 28, 2010 at 09:08 AM
You better call it "wet dream".
That stinking Nazi is just another creepy piece of shit.
And @rom
You little Muslim expert know really a lot. Personally I think you're right. That's why I'd give you something right between your facist eyes. I'd clean society from you, you moron.
Posted by: Ali in Doischeland | September 29, 2010 at 03:01 PM
@ali. more taquiya (Islamically correct lies and deception) from Muzzie shit. Call him a Nazi, which I see no eveidence of, and you will get white and even Jewish liberals set agaisnt him and kising your black arse.
And making threats of violence is typical Muzzie behavior, Easy to so on the internet though, no danger.
Posted by: Georege | October 19, 2010 at 11:42 AM