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December 23, 2010


Strahler 70

Der Spiegel trägt außerdem den Spitznamen BILD am Montag. Oder, wie es der große Georg Christoph Lichtenberg sagte: Wenn ein Affe in den Spiegel blickt, kann kein Apostel herausschauen.

Fröhliche Weihnachten Dir und den Deinen, David!


Even Obama skeptics like me have been won over. Resistance to Progressive reform is stiff and well funded. Obama has had to work within the system.
The sourpuss attitude toward Obama assumes that people can't change and that you have to honor reactionary points of view. Not true. DADT is a permanent structural change in the military that will alter the perception of gay men and women and change attitudes.
I'm happy he's enjoying the holidays in Hawaii with his family, as I am.
And happy holidays to you, too, David.


@Hattie - Thanks, to you as well. I wish I could join you and the president in Hawaii - it's cold and snowy here in New England.

@Strahler - guten Rutsch und viel Erfolg in 2011!

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