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December 24, 2010



The truth will not "just go away." Muslims are not good for Germany. They are however good for destroying Germany, which is what is wanted here.


"Muslims are not good for Germany."

No, Sarrazin and his neo-Nazi sympathizers are not good for Germany.

And only a fool would see the "truth" in Sarrazin's pseudo-scientific racist theories...


Sarrazin is dangerous, because he sounds reasonable. He encourages awful people like Heinz Duthel.


"Here's to hoping that Thilo Sarrazin with withdraw from the public eye in 2001..."

Just two corrections:

"will withdraw"

"in 2011"


Maybe he will be frustrated enough by the elites in 2011 to found a new party. That would be a step forward in this country.

So many people read his book and had their assumptions reinforced by it. I am sure this has a long term effect in our society, whether he heads a new movement or not.



There already is a party that represents the view of the racial superiority of the German Volk. It is just waiting for a charismatic leader like your hero Thilo.

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