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January 27, 2011



Well these kind of moral issues may work with American banks. But this is a European bank and there are no European soldiers affected.

It shouldn't come as a surprise. The other way around, it wouldn't surprise anybody either.


That's a pretty outrageous statement, Zyme. Deutsche Bank has a US charter to operate as a bank here, and as such it must abide by our laws and business practices.


Apparently there are different interpretations of these laws?

Are the judicial procedures over yet?

Why has it taken 6 years already, if the case is so clear?


I don't get it either, if there is a law forbidding this kind of behavior, why does the soldier in question has to deal with it and put up money to enforce his rights. Why isn't the state persecuting DB?
Or why does it take 6 years to get a verdict on a obviously clear cut case?


Zyme & Volker -

Good question. This is a case of David vs. Goliath :). Deutsche Bank has the best legal counsel money can buy.

I am writing my US representatives in Congress to press for an investigation into DB's US activities and will post the letter as well as their response here.

After all, we taxpayers in the US bailed out DB with $13 billion back in 2008.


DBT originally Bankers Trust.......deal was brokered by AB Krongard......later a director for the CIA......2 months after the deal was brokered.....they thought he was such a great guy, he should head intelligence.....VP of Bankers Trust for 15 years? married to a Director of the CIA all that time.
Read about it all on Wikipedia...

Robert Latus

In an era when biological mothers can reclaim their children years after they are wrongfully taken away from them. . . Why can't this home be reclaimed and put back in the ownership of Sgt. Hurley?

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