Thilo Sarrazin's book Deutschland schafft sich ab ("Germany Abolishes Itself") has been on the bestseller list in Germany for months. In his book, Sarrazin complains that Germany is being overrun with genetically inferior Turks and Arabs, and he warns that his grandchildren will be forced to hear only Turkish and Arabic spoken on German streets, while the daily rhythm of German cities will be dominated by the muezzin call to prayer. Likewise, the "Islam expert" Dr. Udo Ulfkotte calls for the immediate expulsion and deportation of Turks and Arabs from Germany, so that "ethnic Germans" (Aryans) can once again have Lebensraum ("Living Space").
These "experts" have made millions with their message of hate, but a new study shows that their "facts" are entirely wrong. The projected growth of Muslim populations in Germany is quite modest:
Predictions that Europe will become a majority-Muslim “Eurabia” are unfounded, according to the report by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life, a nonpartisan research group.
Muslims in Europe made up only 6 percent of the population in 2010, and will grow to 8 percent by 2030, the report says.
But these predictions are based on sound statistical analysis and therefore do not pose a serious threat to Ulfkotte's and Sarrazin's business model. After all, their message is entirely based on pseudo-scientific studies of genes that have long since been discredited by science. But that hasn't slowed the popularity of their books. Hysteria - not cool rationality - sells:
Amaney A. Jamal, associate professor of politics at Princeton and a consultant for Pew on global Islam, said that the report could challenge assertions by some scholars and far-right political parties about future demographic domination by Muslims.
“There’s this overwhelming assumption that Muslims are populating the earth, and not only are they growing at this exponential rate in the Muslim world, they’re going to be dominating Europe and, soon after, the United States,” she said. “But the figures don’t even come close. I’m looking at all this and wondering, where is all the hysteria coming from?”
Notizen aus der Provinz:
Posted by: Strahler 70 | January 31, 2011 at 12:06 AM
@ Strahler -
Interessante Leserkommentare zu dem negativen Artikel:
"Für die Mehrheit in diesem Stadtteil ist dieser Beitrag schlichtweg eine Diffamierung."
Posted by: David | February 01, 2011 at 07:52 AM
Nothing is more difficult to predict than the future.
Apart from that, you must admit that it is always useful to have a scapegoat at hand :-)
Posted by: Zyme | February 02, 2011 at 02:54 PM