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January 22, 2011


Strahler 70

Arms dealers are arms dealers and there will always be a weapon that is the most popular - in a country which regards them as consumer products and status symbols. Then add some freedom of hate speech - voilà!

Dillard Bard

I have a Glock 31 which is a fine firearm. I also have several Colt firearms.

I don't want to kill anybody. BUT I WILL defend my family, home and property.

I also like to target shoot.

Like everyone else I do have the right to defend myself..


Cars kill too, i guess mercedes benz inventors hold the same stigma in the eyes of the perpetrators of this forum. Hammers kill people too, so do dogs, planes, boats etc... PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE AREN'T THERE TOO MANY PEOPLE ANYWAY?

michael tonburi

of course he has to make 99% of his revenue in the US and other countries as in Austria its mission impossible to get license for a Glock or small fire arm.
Anything which you can hide under a jacket or coat raises fast they eye brows of police.
good luck


A Mne, glyck nenravitsya, v Germanii, 1908godu sdelali svoiy glyck parabelum, togda interneta nebilo, i poludurkov, kotorie raznie nebilici o nyom pishut.

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