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January 15, 2011


Attie Schutte

David, this is a remarkable tale, Loved it! I do respect revolutionaries and extremists that live there dreams. Any chance that a good movie will sometime follow? Then can you give me some advice on good German films that I should look out for, I own only two. Rammstein is coming to South-Africa, this will be the first time I can hear German music live. I am so exited I can kill a Liberal.(just kidding)

Sebastian Browns

Attie, you are funny! Lol. Anyway, this should be an example of good movies to watch if ever they will plan to make it in the big screen. This is more realistic and acceptable to the public. :)


There's not a lot of interest about uranium mining techniques of the 1950s. I'm afraid there just is not enough sex and violence in Rummelplatz to for commercial film makers.

In terms of good German movies, any film by Werner Herzog is worth seeing.

One of my favorite German directors is Fatih Akin ("Head On", "Edge of Heaven", "Soul Kitchen"), He's a brilliant director who captures the multi-cultural reality of Germany today, but, according to Thilo Sarrazin, Akin has a deficient intelligence since he has Turkish genes.

Attie Schutte

Thanks I will definitely order them, I normally watch them with the German subtitles rather then the English, one learns quicker that way and that’s how I learned English. I don’t care about which Volk he belongs to. I just don’t understand why you are saying “multi-cultural Germany”, Germany is not multi-cultural. Multi-cultural countries are countries like South-Africa, Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Austro-Hungary(while it lasted). It is countries with multiple ethnic groups whose loyalty is to the tribe and not to the state. My people are called the Boerevolk in German it is “Der Buren”. Germany might become multi-cultural some day, who knows? I have never lived in a western society and I have never seen anything but multiculturalism, so I know what it is and I know what it is not.


Germany not multi-cultural? You've never been to Kreuzberg, my friend!

Attie Schutte

No, you are right off course but I suspect they are still only third generation settlers at best a number of religious and racially different peoples, they have not become a Volk yet. It will only happen at a future moment of developing a collective conscience and acting upon it. Then Germany would be a multi-cultural country, if they integrate then they outegrate out of there current language and culture and you are back to a reasonably homogeneous country.

Attie Schutte

I think we discussed laws pertaining to race and ethnicity and the immorality thereof on a prior post. But you seem to be very upset at this book by Sarrazin, but I think it is nothing less then selective outrage, I mean are you upset by affirmative action laws? Are you upset by the genocide of white Zimbabweans or the genocide of the Matabele and thousands of other ethnic groups by central governments? No, you are upset because a writer aired an opinion that contradicts your PC worldview and there is nothing moral about your anger.

It is notable that the very “equality” you want is causing the “diversity” because if you are going to give people financial and ethnic benefits in a country like Germany of course they are going to migrate from a country like Uganda where no such benefits exist. It is pure economics: You will always get more of whatever you subsidize!! And people as unlike each other as possible will always place themselves at a distance of each other and every ethnic group views the neighbour of his neighbour as his vriend. The very ethno centric “”fascists”” you hate will grow in popularity in direct correlation to ethnic diversity especially in a country that was historically homogeneous. Democracy does not need “equality” it needs “homogeneous communities”.

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