The writer and "Islam expert" Dr. Udo Ulfkotte has made a nice career for himself in Germany by spreading hate and fear against Muslims. In a recent interview he fantasized about all the "living space" (Lebensraum) ethnic Germans could have if only they could conduct forced deportation of all the Turkish and Arab people living in Germany. No matter that nearly all of Dr. Ulfkotte's hateful diatribes are based on lies: he is a much sought-after guest for TV talk shows and discussion panels.
But even Dr. Ulfkotte may have outdone himself with his most recent piece on the right-wing Truther site of Kopp Verlag (with thanks to Politblogger). Germany is facing a health crisis due to vegetables tainted with E.coli. Naturally, Udo Ulfkotte seizes the opportunity for yet another attack on immigrants from Turkey:
Im »Erdbeerland« in Pottenstein und auf mindestens zehn weiteren Erdbeerplantagen erfand man den Hosenzwang, weil Türkinnen, die dort saisonal gearbeitet hatten, bei der Arbeit auf die Erdbeeren uriniert und zwischen den Pflanzen auch noch andere »größere Geschäfte« verrichtet hatten. ... Bestimmte Migranten haben eben völlig andere Vorstellungen von Hygiene und der Einhaltung von Hygiene-Richtlinien als wir Europäer.
(In the "strawberry region" in Pottenstein (Austria) and on at least ten other strawberry farms workers are required to wear pants because Turkish women who were working there seasonally were urinating on the strawberries and even defecating among the plants....Certain migrants have a completely different concepts of hygiene than we Europeans.)
Dr. Ulfkotte goes on to describe a "fecal Jihad" being waged by Muslims against Europeans.
Thus far, there is zero evidence that the E.coli outbreak has any connection with strawberries, much less strawberries from Austria. Authorities believe rather that cucumbers from Spain may be to blame. But don't look for a retraction or an apology from Dr. Udo Ulfkotte. He has never once retracted any of the numerous lies he's published at Kopp Verlag or elsewhere.
Again, Ulfkotte is free to publish whatever he wishes, even if it's mostly lies. What concerns me is that he is viewed by the German media as an "expert" and frequently appears on German television. They are lending to this fraud credibility he in no way deserves.
This is particularly revolting in its use of notions of purity and contamination.
Posted by: Hattie | May 29, 2011 at 11:27 PM
I keep wondering about this guy Ulfkotte. Who is he? Does he exist?
Never heard of him except when browsing this blog.
Posted by: Zyme | May 30, 2011 at 06:20 PM
Well, he's a big fan of your hero - Thilo Sarrazin.
Posted by: David | May 30, 2011 at 07:30 PM
Ulfkotte may have beaten himself with his latest piece on the conservative Truther website of Kopp Verlag (with because of Politblogger). Germany is confronting a wellbeing emergency because of vegetables spoiled with E.coli. Normally, Udo Ulfkotte grabs the open door for yet another assault on foreigners from Turkey: Im »Erdbeerland« in Pottenstein und auf mindestens zehn weiteren Erdbeerplantagen erfand man nook Hosenzwang
Posted by: best essay writing service company | May 25, 2017 at 02:12 PM
Ulfkotte is really a writer.
Posted by: Evelyn Wangari | June 09, 2017 at 04:28 AM