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July 07, 2011



How do Germans expect to keep their language and culture going if they consider it exclusive to people of German ancestry?
They are so short sighted.


"Multiculturalism has utterly failed in Germany,"
That is not what she said, shame on you David.


I quote from the international press:

"And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side by side and to enjoy each other ... has failed, utterly failed."


Shame on you, Volker, for doubting me.


"How do Germans expect to keep their language and culture going if they consider it exclusive to people of German ancestry?"

Ahh come on, since Sarrazin we all know that Arabs' and Turks' biggest contribution to the society lies in fruit and grocery trade anyway :-D

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"Multiculturalism has utterly failed in Germany" ....I don't believe in this statement. I have been in Germany and I see diversity in their populace.

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