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August 08, 2011


Strahler 70

Friedrich argued that the Internet was leading to a new breed of lone individuals gambling and playing online poker about whom tax authorities were becoming increasingly concerned.

Once there they make money, most of them without really notice.


Friedrich reminds me of the old days when the parties in Germany had absolutely no clue about online media, fearing everything from blogs to multi-player shooting games.

Not that I wouldn't like his stance on minorites in our society, but it appears that his idea of the internet is totally anachronistic.


"Nor do we know the names of the individuals behind the Holocaust denial site kreuz.net - they are too cowardly to reveal their real identities."

I never know whether I should be amused or get a stomach ache by such lines. What a one-sided way of looking at things. Not that I would support their ideas, but what would they have to face should they lift their anonymity?

Would you also consider the members of movements like "Weisse Rose" to have been cowards for not lifting their identity?
Surely both had to face a different scale of punishments, but I think it is very understandable that a group fearing legal prosecution for speaking their mind would like to remain anonymous.


Internet anonymity is as important to free and open discourse (and all the unpleasantness that comes with that, unfortunately) as the right to free speech itself.

Forcibly unmasking an anonymous speaker should only be an option when the speech itself is unlawful, such as in the case of fraud, defamation, or obscenity.

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