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September 15, 2011



Until the whole truth about 9-11 becomes known, conspiracy theories will abound. Why WAS Bush I at the Ritz Carlton with Osama's brother at the same time the towers were hit? What about the long-standing relationship between the Bushes and the bin Ladens?
Why were the bin Ladens allowed to leave the country?
And then, why was Iraq invaded by the Bush administration on the basis of false intelligence?
All these questions must be answered, and honestly.
I mean, isn't this all a little more than coincidental? Criminal even?


What are you talking about? It's well known that Bush was at an official visit at a school when the first plane hit the towers. The whole thing was filmed!

And what has the Iraq invasion got to do with it?


George HW Bush met with Osama Bin Laden's brother on Sept. 10m 2001.

George W. Bush continuously invoked 9/11 (along with the WMD hoax) as a pretext for invading Iraq.

But none of this points to a conspiracy.


I agree, David. I think you mean that the Bushes were not directly involved in the 9-11 bombing.


And Fab Max: Bush I, Bush's father was with a brother of Osama bin Laden at the Ritz Carlton in Washington. Bush II was reading to schoolchildren in Florida.
Two different people. Get it?


why does questioning the official conspiracy theory mean you hate the USA? many former airforce pilots question the official conspiracy theory, and many other former officials in both republican and democratic administrations, including treasury, commerce, state and even fbi and cia officials and career service professionals have publicly questioned the official conspiracy theory.

people have problems with the story because the story does not add up. really that simple.


"many former airforce pilots question the official conspiracy theory, and many other former officials in both republican and democratic administrations, including treasury, commerce, state and even fbi and cia officials and career service professionals have publicly questioned the official conspiracy theory."

Who, for example? Nobody with any credibility....

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