Two journalists for the Berliner Zeitung -Jörg Schindler and Steven Geyer - have done some "behind the scenes" investigation into Germany's most popular, and most notorious, blog Politically Incorrect. What they reveal is disturbing: the blog, which stirs up hatred against Muslims in Germany, maintains ties to the mainstream political parties in Germany, and also to well-known writers and public figures such as Henryk Broder. On its banner, PI proclaims that it is "pro-amerikanisch", but it is clear that it is pro-American as long as the Americans are white, male, and bigotted. Schindler and Geyer detail how the blog's founder, Stefan Herre, has reached out to some Americans to forge a trans-Atlantic axis of hate:
Auch nach Amerika hat das PI-Team längst seine Fühler ausgestreckt. Am 5. April 2011 ließ Herre per Mail wissen: "Ich stehe seit ein paar Wochen in ständigem Kontakt zum amerikanischen Pastor Terry Jones." Jones, Sprecher einer obskuren christlich-fundamentalistischen Gruppe namens "Stand Up America!", sorgte im Herbst 2010 weltweit für Aufsehen, als er ankündigte, öffentlich den Koran zu verbrennen. Auf der Suche nach einem Partner, der ihm ein europäisches Forum bieten könnte, stieß er auf PI. Dessen Macher Herre bot hocherfreut an, einen Jones-Auftritt in Deutschland zu organisieren.
(For some time the PI team has been putting out feelers to America. On April 5, 2011 Herre revealed in an e-mail: "For several weeks I've been in constant contact with the American pastor Terry Jones." Jones, the leader of an obscure Christian fundamentalist group called "Stand Up America", made headlines in the fall of 2010 when he announced that he would burn the Koran in public. When searching for a partner that would provide a platform for his views in Europe he came upon PI. The founder of PI, Herre, was delighted to make an offer to organize an appearance by Jones in Germany.)
Terry Jones is no stranger to Germany. For years he ran a Christian cult in Cologne, but was forced to flee when German officials began investigating physical abuse and financial irregularities. Jones found a welcoming new home in the Tea Party bastion of northern Florida.
The blog is informative
Posted by: maria | October 21, 2022 at 07:04 AM
very informative article. Thank you!
Posted by: Marle Maria | October 22, 2022 at 03:08 PM