Best-selling author and wannabe genetic scientist Thilo Sarrazin sounded the alarm about contaminating German blood with that of inferior races. Speaking before an enthusiastic audience in Döbeln Sarrazin compared Germans to the Lipizzaner stallions among horse breeds:
"Stellen sie sich vor, dies sei ein Gestüt mit Lipizzanerpferden. Und irgendwie wird in jeder Generation ein belgischer Ackergaul eingekreuzt. Völlig klar, die genetisch bedingte Fähigkeit zum Laufen sinkt", doziert Sarrazin mit vor der Brust verschränkten Armen. "Gleichzeitig steigt die genetisch bedingte Fähigkeit, einen Karren durch den Lehm zu ziehen. So ist das auch mit Menschen."
("Imagine that this is a stable of Lipizzaner stallions. And somehow in each generation they become crossed with a Belgian plow horse. It goes without saying: the genetic ability to run diminishes over time," Sarrazin lectures with his arms folded across his chest. "At the same time the genetically-determined ability to pull a cart through the mud only increases. That's how it is with human beings as well.")
Sarrazin is right. What Germany needs immediately are new Nuremberg Laws that would criminalize the contamination of German blood with inferior genes from Turkey or "Arabia". Otherwise Germany risks becoming a nation of plow horses like America, where we all have some Creole, African, French, American Indian, and God knows what other kind of blood running through our veins. Hitler had nothing but contempt for this nation of "Mongrels"; he knew the Master (Aryan) Race could easily defeat us. Oops!
Well, the bullshit is pure anyway.
And David, that does look like a mule.
Posted by: dz alexander | January 11, 2012 at 02:05 AM
I am an American, and I have Norwegian, German, American Indian, and Ulster Scots, and I am in no way a plow horse. In fact, I am a mongrel that almost no one can make work or pull a cart or do anything. I run very fast and cannot be made to vote, believe in war, or do anything that I do not want to do. In fact, Germans who are pure blooded are relatively more easy to deceive and turn into slaves by the US government! They will really believe anything the news tells them in Germany.
Posted by: michijo | January 11, 2012 at 01:33 PM
There are no pure-blooded Germans. It's impossible.
Posted by: FabMax | January 14, 2012 at 09:19 AM
Germans are like Republicans in the USA, they have no humor and imagine one must be socially conscious of everything, like their auto-arsons. It simply doesn't occur to them that some people are like cats, the idea of a car being burned in Berlin means absolutely nothing either way. Tell a cat: a car is burned in Berlin. The cat stretches and yawns: who cares about cars in Berlin?
Posted by: michijo | January 20, 2012 at 06:10 PM