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February 17, 2012



"Still, as I wrote earlier, the best solution would be to do away with the anachronistic office of president altogether."

I disagree.
For three reasons:
-Only the President can dissolve the "Bundestag", the German parliament. Who gets that right in your scenario? The government, Bundestag? And couldn´t that result in: "polls are looking good, let´s call for elections now" scenarios?
- The office of the President includes a staff which checks laws coming from the parliament (any obvious constitutional problems, did they follow prescribed parliamentary procedures and such). Until the President signs them, they are not in force. It only happened a few times in the past that a President didn´t sign them but it is an additional check and balance.
The German Supreme Court ("Bundesverfassungsgericht") probably would be overwhelmed with such a task.
- And somewhat tongue in cheek. :)
Just who should make all those purely representative state visits around the world? Or greet such visitors here in Germany? A Chancellor wouldn´t have the time for it. And a "lower" representative might feel like an insult to foreign head of states? :)


You make some good points, Detlev. So are you happy with Gauck?

Strahler 70

Happy with Gauck??? Sarrazin will be very very happy! Read this: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/politik-und-gesellschaft-gauck-attestiert-sarrazin-mut/3685052.html


"You make some good points, Detlev. So are you happy with Gauck?"

I don´t know.... :)
I would have been happy with him in 2010. Since then he said some things I´m not so happy about. I guess it´s wait and see for now.

If he turns out to be a bad President (third in a row) then I might have to rethink my support for the office.

If you want you can call me a "conservative" on this topic. :)
Get rid off the office only once it´s proven that todays political system can no longer elect adequate persons. Plus, discuss the consequences before acting.

For example I´m not sure I´d like a combined head of state / head of government system.

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