![Putinassad Putinassad](https://www.dialoginternational.com/.a/6a00d83451c36069e2017ee3d6b4ef970d-320wi)
Anti-Americanism is a chronic disease of the German left. If the United States backs an opposition group anywhere in the world, then it must be a CIA plot - or better, a CIA-Israeli plot. America and Israel are the twin bogeymen for the left; their influence is always evil.
And so it is with Syria. The United States, along with the EU, Canada, Japan - and, yes, Israel - have called for the Syrian dictator Bahar al-Assad to step down and to stop the massacre of his own citizens. In the logic of the German left this makes Assad a hero of the the forces of liberation. The fact that Assad enjoys the full support of an autocrat like Vladimir Putin makes support for the repressive regime in Damascus all the more compelling (see my post The Putinization of the German Left).The left-wing blog NachDenkSeiten published a translation of an interview with MIddle East expert Günter Meyer, who blames the internal strife and violence in Syria on meddling by the United States and Israel. The US support for the Free Syrian Army has nothing to do with supporting democratic forces or humanitarian intervention but rather is a calculated strategy to realize geopolitical objectives in the region (original interview in English here):
GM: There are numerous
statements from the US government which stress the
geostrategic importance of the ousting of the
Syrian regime so that both Iran and Hezbollah in
Southern Lebanon will loose their most important
ally. The Iranian and Syrian supply of military
equipment to Hezbollah will no longer be possible.
The weakening of the military force of this Shiite
organization means that its impact on the power
structure of Lebanon and especially its ability to
attack Israel will dramatically decline. [8] The
fall of Bashar Al-Assad will also weaken the
influence of Russia and China in the Middle East
and strengthen the role of the US and Saudi Arabia
in this region.
As to the question Cui bono? - who stands to gain from the bloodshed in Syria, Meyer has a clear answer: the United States and Israel.
GM: So far, Israel and the
US have been the main winners. The government in
Jerusalem has been able to rally significant
support for its fight against Iran from Washington
and the European capitals. This does not apply to
the military intervention demanded by Netanyahu
and Barak, but in respect to a significant
increase in sanctions against Teheran which cause
more and more serious problems for the economic
development of Iran.
The US is profiting
from the growing dependency of the GCC countries
on military protection by US troops combined with
record sales of weapons by arms manufacturers in
the United States, where tens of thousands of new
jobs are created and hundred thousands of old jobs
are secured.
The journalist Karin Leukefeld reports for the left-wing newspapers Neues Deutschland and Junge Welt from inside Syria, and her "reporting" could be described as pure propaganda for the Assad regime. In fact her journalistic "work" is routinely cited by the official SyriaNews agency. In Leukefeld's view, the US wants control of Syria's gas reserves and the opposition forces are nothing more than mercenary "death squads" financed by the CIA. All of the atrocities reported in the Western press are, in fact, committed by these CIA-funded para-military groups:
Es geht darum, eine Destabilisierungspolitik zu betreiben… Wo man nicht
die eigenen Truppen hinschicken will. Weil diese Art der Intervention
auch keine politische Legitimität hat. Ich denke, das ist ein
„Undercover-War“, also ein Krieg, der illegal geführt wird. Man spricht
auch von einem „schmutzigen Krieg“, weil er sich auch jenseits von
völkerrechtlichen Vereinbarungen abspielt. Die USA haben immer zu
solchen Gruppierungen gegriffen, wenn es um ihre strategischen,
politischen Interessen in bestimmten Regionen gegangen ist. Um sie
durchzusetzen bzw. durchzudrücken…
(The goal is to destabilize the region. When you don't want to send your own troops. Because an intervention like this has no political legitimacy. I call this an "undercover war" - a war that is being conducted illegally. You can also call it a "dirty war", because it violates all human rights treaties. The US has always relied on groups like this to protect its strategic geopolitical interests in certain regions. In order to achieve - or force - them.)
It is grotesque to see the German left align itself with the reactionary theocracy in Tehran - because it represents a threat to Israeli- American interests in the region. One left-wing publication calls for solidarity with the "Axis of Resistance" (die Achse des Widerstands) consisting of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah.
In light of the German left's support forthe bloody dictatorship in Damascus - as well as the corrupt, authoritarian rule in Moscow -its embrace of 9/11 "Trutherism" seems almost benign by comparison.
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