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September 30, 2012


Harvey Morrell

Jenny Treibel over Effi Briest? Buddenbrooks over Zauberberg? Heresy, I say! :-)


@Harvey, as mentioned, strictly personal preference.

Actually, with Fontane I was sorely tempted to list "Der Stechlin."

Harvey Morrell

I would probably have gone for the ones you did as well, if only because I was forced to read Effi and Der Zauberberg school and read your choices for pleasure. I also prefer Kafka's Amerika for the same reason. I'd switch out Hesse's Der Steppenwolf for your Koeppen.


For me, the best Kafka novel is Das Schloss (the castle). It has no real ending, and meanders to nowhere. That is the first Kafka book I read. Also, the Austrian TV version by Michael Haneke is true to the book.

Frankly, I read all his books, and lived in Europe, and got bored with Europeans. Strangely, after traveling around Europe and talking to Europeans, I became so disillusioned, that I don't care for their art at all anymore. I now read only Chinese, Japanese, and other Asian writers and watch mostly Asian films like from Iran or Korea. The West is really limited and provincial in scope.


One woman!


An interesting list, and thanks for publishing it. I think Goethe came to regret and dislike 'Werther', as I did. Why did you include it?
The mail from Michijo is so muddled, ignorant and rude that it is surely taking the mickey, don't you think?

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