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Dark soliloquy: The selected poems of Gertrud Kolmar [i.e. G. Chodziesner] (A Continuum book)
Stuart Jeffries: Grand Hotel Abyss: The Lives of the Frankfurt School
Lara Feigel: The Bitter Taste of Victory: Life, Love, and Art in the Ruins of the Reich
Alexander Stephan: Communazis: FBI Surveillance of German Emigre Writers
Leo Lowenthal: False Prophets, Studies on Authoritarianism (Communication in Society, Vol 3)
Nicholas Stargardt: The German War: A Nation Under Arms, 1939–1945
Richard Overy: The Bombers and the Bombed: Allied Air War Over Europe, 1940-1945
Germans are narrow-minded, weak, have a low birthrate, and are intolerant of even the slightest noise. their shops all close before 6PM in the evening, and even though they are self-righteous clowns who believe they can do no wrong, nevertheless are involved in any corrupt activities they can enter in order to make money, which is the only thing Europeans care about: money.
Posted by: michijo | October 04, 2012 at 02:28 PM
That's why my friend from Sweden calls Germany by the joke-name: "Germoney". Home of the germy Germoney-folk.
Posted by: michijo | October 04, 2012 at 02:30 PM