While Barack Obama remains relatively popular in Germany, some of the media outlets on the right have expressed support for Mitt Romney. The Berlin weekly Junge Freiheit, mouthpiece of the neo-fascist "Neue Rechte" (New Right), chastises fellow Germans for their pro-Obama sentiments:
Aus den heimischen Medien wurden sie fast nur über „Pleiten, Pech und Pannen“ Romneys aufgeklärt. Eine ernsthafte Auseinandersetzung mit dem Republikaner und seinem Programm suchte man zumeist vergebens. Konservativ und irgendwie rückständig, dieses Bild wurde vermittelt. Dabei spricht auch aus deutscher Sicht viel für den Republikaner. [...]Trotzdem geben 90 Prozent der Deutschen an, sie würden Obama wählen. Sie kennen den Scherbenhaufen nicht, den er nach vier Jahren hinterläßt: hohe Arbeitslosigkeit, Armut und Rekordpreise für Energie. Für die Deutschen bleibt Obama dagegen der ewige Popstar und Friedensnobelpreisträger, der irgendwann mal eine Rede an der Siegessäule gehalten hat. (ho)
(The German media only reports on Romney's "bankruptcies, bad luck and gaffes". There is no serious discussion of the Republican and his policies. They just project the image of him as conservative and somewhat backward-lookig. But Romney has much to offer Germany....Still, 90% of Germans say they would vote for Obama. They don't know the wreckage he has left behind after four years: high unemployment, poverty and record-high energy prices. For Germans Obama is still the eternal popstar and Nobel Prize-winner who once gave a speech at the Berlin Victory Column.)
Not to be outdone, the "pro-American" hate blog Politically Correct - one of the most popular German blogs in terms of daily hit volume - recently attacked President Obama and Hilary Clinton for their criticism of the crude anti-Islam YouTube video that led to a spasm of violence across the Middle East:
Die randalierenden und marodierenden mohammedanischen Araber haben bestimmt nicht daran gedacht, aber sie helfen dem Republikaner Mitt Romney dabei, Präsident zu werden. Wir würden uns freuen!
(The rampaging and marauding Mohammedan Arabs were certainly not intending to, but they are helping the Republican Mitt Romney win the presidency. We would be delighted!)
I'm still waiting to see who the neo-Nazi NPD will endorse once they realize that their friend David Duke is not on the ballot this year.
I hope Obama wins!
If I were American though, it would be a different story :-)
Posted by: Zyme | October 25, 2012 at 02:03 PM
Given that Romney is a more vocal supporter of the Israeli-Zionist right, and openly supportive of its positions and leaders, there is somewhat of a contradiction in this reasoning. Netanyahu for one is hoping his 'friend' Romney wins too. But then the modern European extreme right is often more anti-Islam than anti-'Semitic', ie anti-Jewish.
Strnge bedfellows indeed.
Posted by: Steve | November 03, 2012 at 09:16 AM