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February 12, 2013



Pope Benedict XVI definetely wasn't a political leader, neither in the church nor in the world. His sensational abdication, however, could be the beginning of a transition to political leadership in the catholic church in future. He gives an example for his successors, he underscores the necessity to keep pace with the requirements of the modern world and networks and the disadvantages of high age. Now, the gates are open for a young and modern new pope. Perhaps Benedicts legacy lies more in the things he didn't do himself in order to leave them to his successors - if not to say, to force his successors to do it.


What an indictment.


A fact that has generated alarm in the financial world and in the European North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as “the deliberate opacity, and insisted sought by IOR can be a window of opportunity for criminal operations of all kinds, with the risk – reported in its letter from Cardinal Nicora – resulting in a blow to the reputation of the Holy See. “


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