Shortly before his assassination in 1963, President John F, Kennedy had a fling with Ellen Rometsch, a beautiful young woman originally from the German Democratic Republic, who had come to Washington with her husband, a sergeant in the West German air force. In Washington she was soon spotted by Bobby Baker. a friend of te president who was always on the lookout for new "talent." Evidently Ellen Rometsch was as talented in bed as she was beautiful. Baker recently recalled to Politico a phone call he received from JFK shortly after his first encounter with Ellen Rometsch:
‘She really loved oral sex... She went to the White House several times. And President Kennedy called me and said it’s the best head-job he’d ever had, and he thanked me,’
JFK's principal adversary and detractor in Washington, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover caught wind of the affair and suspected a honey trap, since Ellen Rometsch had been a member of a "communist youth group" in East Germany:
J. Edgar Hoover received information that Kennedy was having a
relationship with Rometsch. In July 1963 Federal Bureau of
Investigation agents questioned Romesch about her past. They came to
the conclusion that she was probably a Soviet spy. Hoover actually
leaked information to the journalist, Courtney Evans, that Romesch
worked for Walter Ulbricht, the communist leader of East Germany. When
Robert Kennedy was told about this information, he ordered her to be
Back in Germany, Ellen Rometsch went from being a Washington glamour girl to dairy maid on her relative's farm. Back in the US, it was taken for granted that she had been a spy and presented a huge security risk to the nation. The FBI kept her file open until 1986.
Recently a couple of reporters visited the now 77-year old Ellen Rometsch in her bungalow in Rhein bei Bonn:
Was genau zwischen ihr und Kennedy passierte, darüber möchte die heute 77-Jährige nicht reden. Wer sie dazu sprechen will und an ihrer Haustür klingelt, dem öffnet ihr Ehemann. Auch er wird nicht viel sagen, aber drei Dinge sind ihm wichtig. Seine Frau habe nie als Spionin im Dienst der Stasi gestanden. An den Zeitungsberichten, der Kennedy-Clan habe mit Zahlungen auf ein Liechtensteiner Konto das Schweigen von Ellen Rometsch erkauft, sei nichts dran. Und was in Washington damals geschah, soll für immer eine rein private Angelegenheit des Ehepaars bleiben.
("The 77-year old won't say what exacly happened between her and Kennedy. If you want to talk ter her and ring her doorbell, the door is opened by her husband. He, too, doesn't say much, but three things are quite important to him. His wife never worked as a spy for the Stasi. The newspaper reports that the Kennedy clan had bought her silence by making payments to a secret bank account in Liechtenstein are also completely fabricated. And what happened back then in Washington will forever remain the private business of the married couple.")
Ellen Rometsch's name appears nowhere in the Stasi files, which are now in the public domain.
Wonder how many of the stories we hear about John Kennedy were actually smears. And MLK too.
Posted by: Hattie | January 03, 2014 at 01:43 PM