Albrecht Müller, editor-in-chief of the influential left-wing blog NachDenkSeiten is upset that people in Germany or the United States would criticize Russia for passing laws that expressly discriminate against gays and lesbians. In fact he finds it downright hypocritical:
Etwas mehr Zurückhaltung und Bescheidenheit wäre für uns angebracht, wenn wir Länder kritisieren, die aus welchen Gründen auch immer die von uns eingeschlagene Richtung langsamer oder gar nicht mittragen können oder wollen.
("We need to show more restraint and modesty before we start criticizing other countries who, for whatever reason, decide to go more slowly - or not at all - down the path we have chosen.")
To illustrate the utter hypocrisy of those of us who criticize Russia he relates the case of a German dentist who was forced out of his profession because he was gay.
The incident happened in 1966.
Meanwhile in Moscow.....