The Islamist gunmen who killed the cartoonists and police officers in Paris were still at large when the conspiracy theorists on the German left and right began pointing the finger at the United States. For a deed this well-executed could only have been engineered by the CIA.
First up was Albrecht Müller of the left-learning influential blog NachDenkSeiten, who sees the terrorist attack as a continuation of the evil deeds of the "Geheimdienst" - the NSA and CIA - who,of course, also engineered the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. His proof? The treatment of Edward Snowden:
Da blieben bei mir echte Zweifel. Seinen Vorstellungen über die Rolle der Geheimdienste in unserer Welt kann ich immer mehr folgen, je mehr wir davon hören, was NSA überall auf der Welt tut, wie die USA mit einem Mann wie Snowden umgehen und mit anderen Whistleblowern.
To buttress his Truther arguments, the Social Democrat Müller links to a letter by the right-wing Pegida organizer and conspiracy theorist Ken Jebsen.
Jebsen's letter is masterpiece of conspiracy theory, encompassing everything from the 9/11 attacks, the shooting down of MH17 in the Ukraine, to the attacks in Paris: it was all coordinated by the CIA under orders of Big Capital. You see, the French daily Le Monde is partially owned by a senior executive of Lazard, a (Jewish-backed) US investment back, while its rival paper - Le Figaro - is owned by the military contractor Dessault, which is itching for a war with ISIS (as well as with Russia). Of course, the American's staged the Paris attacks so that everything could be captured on video - just like 9/11:
"Der Anschlag von Paris war, genau wie der in NYC, in einer Form dargeboten, die perfekt geeignet ist, um sie im TV zu zeigen."
Jebsen would like to rename the Monday "Pegida" marches in Dresden as "Pegada", since he views the "Amerikanisierung" of Europe as far more dangerous than "Islamisierung".
The fact that NachDenkSeiten - which I once respected for its economic analysis - links to a neo-fascist conspiracy nut like Ken Jebsen is very sad.
The "journalist" Gerhard Wisnewski of the Kopp Verlag, asks the question in connection with the Paris attacks "Wem nutzt es?" (Who benefits?) The answer to this question is obvious: The American Empire:
Ein gegen den Islam geeintes Europa ist exakt der Baustein für ein Weltreich von amerikanischen Gnaden, wie es den USA vorschwebt. Mehr oder weniger offensichtlich ist Europa zwar bereits ohnehin ein Vasall der Vereinigten Staaten, aber die politische Einigung muss noch einen großen Schritt vorangetrieben werden.
The Paris attacks are just another milestone for the grand American strategy of transforming Europe into a totalitarian state controlled, of course. by American interests. Interestingly, he links the Paris attacks to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing -which was also coordinated by the US government.
Knut Mellenthin, writing in the left-wing daily Junge Welt, is a bit more subtle in spinning his Charlie Hebdo conspiracy. He finds it very suspicious that all three terrorists were killed before they could be interrogated, and implies that they were somehow influenced or guided in their actions by French and - you guessed it - American authorities who had infiltrated their Islamist group:
Die Geschichte der drei getöteten Männer liefert eindeutige Beweise für die hochgradige Unterwanderung islamistischer Strukturen und potentieller krimineller Kerne durch Frankreichs Polizei und Geheimdienst, möglicherweise zudem auch durch ausländische Dienste. In den USA standen die Kouachi-Brüder auf der Liste der Personen, die nicht einreisen dürfen.
"Trutherism" - whether in connection with Charlie Hebdo, MH17, 9/11, or the Boston Marathon bombing - will always be a central component of both left-and right-wing anti-Americanism in Germany.
Kopp-Verlag readers are Ron Paul fans,too. Trutherism is also a central component of your own homegrown anti-Americanism, David, and in this case I suppose the quotes you found aren't more than copy and paste from US websites. Is there any country in the world that produces more conspiracy theories than the USA? How can you be surprised that all the tinfoil-hatters on this planet take notice of them? That's just the business plan and again I must admit it's a very clever way to control the minds of those opposing our western civilisation. Overload their brains with nonsense, let them have endless discussions about shapeshifting jews, magical Nazi technology, Area 51, Bilderbergers etc... Maybe it would be more dangerous if all the trutherism suddenly stopped and you wouldn't know anymore about what they are thinking now?
Posted by: koogleschreiber | January 15, 2015 at 09:24 PM
Good point about Ron Paul (and his followers). Now his son would like to be the US president!
Posted by: David | January 16, 2015 at 06:17 AM