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January 15, 2015



Kopp-Verlag readers are Ron Paul fans,too. Trutherism is also a central component of your own homegrown anti-Americanism, David, and in this case I suppose the quotes you found aren't more than copy and paste from US websites. Is there any country in the world that produces more conspiracy theories than the USA? How can you be surprised that all the tinfoil-hatters on this planet take notice of them? That's just the business plan and again I must admit it's a very clever way to control the minds of those opposing our western civilisation. Overload their brains with nonsense, let them have endless discussions about shapeshifting jews, magical Nazi technology, Area 51, Bilderbergers etc... Maybe it would be more dangerous if all the trutherism suddenly stopped and you wouldn't know anymore about what they are thinking now?



Good point about Ron Paul (and his followers). Now his son would like to be the US president!

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