Each week the Monday "Pegida protests" seem to get uglier and uglier, as the crowds grow - at least in Dresden. Pegida is a new development, but the targets of the protestors' hate remain the same - uniting both Left and Right: America and the Jews. America, according to the demonstrators, is behind all the evil in the world: Crimea, ISIS, NSA, McDonald's, Auschwitz, etc. Those who fail to acknowledge this simple truth are demonized as "Trans-Atlantiker" (code for CIA - stooges):
Zeitgenossen, die nicht erkennen wollen, dass eigentlich hinter allem – 11. September, Krim, Euro-Krise, Ölpreis, Abschaffung des Abendlandes – der amerikanische Jahrtausendplan zur Beherrschung der Welt steckt, werden zu Idioten oder willigen Helfern der CIA deklariert. Die Verschwörungstheorie ist in den unendlichen Tiefen des Internets zur alles erklärenden Weltformel geworden.
Of course, behind the Americans' treachery, as Hitler also believed, are the Jews. But, while Hitler openly called out the Jews, today's more politically sensitive demonstrators use the code word "amerikanische Zentralbank" - the Federal Reserve Bank, which is controlled by Jewish Interests. Watch this video of a "peace demonstration" in Berlin, where the speakers attack the "amerikanische Zentralbank" for instigating wars. The speakers can't help but also drop the names of some "Jewish bankers" - Rothschild and Warburg:
It goes without saying that the CIA, manipulated by Jewish media interests, also controls the mainstream German press and TV networks, which the Pegida protestors along with much of the German left deonounce as the "Lügenpresse". At a recent Pegida rally one of the protestors shouted at a reporter from the staid Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung "Verpiss dich, du Judenschwein, sonst machen wir dich platt!" ("F**ck off you filthy Jew or we'll crush you!).
Anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism have always been two sides of the same coin, as the writer and cultural historian Andrei Markovits points out in his book Amerika, dich hasst sich's besser:
“Anti-Semitism in Europe goes back a thousand years. Anti-Americanism as a discourse and an ideology emerged more than 200 years ago among European elites. America and Jews are seen by many Europeans as paragons of a modernity they dislike and distrust: money-driven, profit-hungry, urban, universalistic, individualistic, mobile, rootless, inauthentic, and thus hostile to established traditions and values.Anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism are the only major icons shared by the European extreme left and far right, including neo-Nazis.”
While I did not see Michel Friedmann for the x-th time on TV yesterday, I am sure he also tried to make Jews seem those next after the Muslims have been dealt with.
I am not sure whether this logic makes much sense. However I do believe the Muslims should take a close look at the Jews' fate in Europe and think again whether or not it is great idea to antagonize the European "weaklings"..
Posted by: Zyme | January 08, 2015 at 12:04 PM
*whether it is a great idea
Posted by: Zyme | January 08, 2015 at 12:06 PM
To this one and also your next Post http://www.preiselbauer.de/2014/04/12/ueber-die-neuen-montagsdemos/
Posted by: Jake | February 04, 2015 at 04:00 PM
Thanks Jake, good link!
Posted by: David | February 04, 2015 at 05:26 PM