Flanked by members of the neo-Nazi NPD, best-selling fake journalist and Putin propagandist Udo Ulfkotte choked and threw a 15-year old against the wall at an event last Friday evening in Offenbach. The teen was among a group of Jusos ("Young Social Democrats") who were protesting Ulfkotte's speech concerning the dangers of immigration for the German Volk. The teen later pressed charges and Ulfkotte responded on his Facebook page:
Nachdem am Freitagabend ein 15-Jähriger aus Rodgau den Bestsellerautor Ulfkotte wegen Körperverletzung auf der AfD-Veranstaltung angezeigt hatte, reagierte Ulfkotte am Samstag auf Facebook mit Drohungen. Sie können als Ankündigung juristischer Schritte gegen den Jugendlichen verstanden werden, haben aber auch einen Unterton, der Gewalt ankündigen könnte. „Ich freue mich auf die Strafanzeige, weil ich natürlich den Namen des 15-Jährigen samt Adresse bekomme, (…) da freuen sich einige“, schreibt Ulfkotte als Reaktion auf den Artikel in der Frankfurter Rundschau vom Samstag über die Rangelei vom Vorabend.
(After a 15-year old from Rodgau pressed charges against best-selling author Ulfkotte due to the injuries sustained in the assault during the AfD event, Ulfkotte responded on Saturday with threats on his Facebook. The threats can be interpreted as potential legal steps against the youth, but they also contain a violent undertone. "I'm happy about the charges, because now I have the name and address of the 15-year old (...) a number of us are pleased about this", Ulfkotte wrote in response to an article in the Frankfurter Rundschau about the brawl the previous evening.)
Ulfkotte was apparently too cowardly to attack any of the young men protesting his speech, choosing a boy as his victim. Ulfkotte's Facebook threat is disturbing, since his neo-Nazi friends have been making death threats against (real) journalists, going so far as to place death notices in the local newspapers.