The German Left Party (Die LInke) - ever loyal to Moscow, has become the "Party of Putin". The more troops and weapons Putin sends into the Ukraine, the more the Left Party screams about the "American Warmongers' and their vassals (Merkel). Putin - the great benefactor of Marine Le Pen - is celebrated as the last hope to stop American imperialism.
Here is Sahra Wagenknecht , leader of the Left Party, berating the German Chancellor on the floor of the Bundestag:
In an interview with German Radio, Sahra Wagenknecht spoke about America's "substantial economic interests" ("handfeste wirtschaftliche Interessen") in the Ukraine:
Ich glaube, Washington ist sich da nicht ganz einig. Ich weiß nicht genau, welche Rolle Obama spielt, aber ganz klar ist ja, dass zumindest vonseiten der Republikaner ein massiver Druck existiert, dort möglicherweise auch militärisch in irgendeiner Form den Konflikt zu eskalieren. Es gibt ja auch handfeste wirtschaftliche Interessen: Die Amerikaner waren von Beginn an dabei in der Ukraine. Sie haben ja auch teilweise mit ihren Firmen dort schon Verträge geschlossen. Sie haben sich eingekauft in ukrainische Firmen. Also da geht es um handfeste Wirtschaftsinteressen und umso wichtiger ist es, dass Europa hier nicht im Schlepptau agiert, sondern hier wirklich unsere eigenen Interessen in den Vordergrund gestellt werden. Dieses Interesse ist Frieden und auch Zusammenarbeit natürlich mit Russland, eine Verbesserung des Verhältnisses, das ja in den letzten Monaten massiv abgekühlt ist.
(I'm not certain that Washington is completely in agreement, I don't know what role Obama is playing, but it is very clear that at least the Republicans are pressuring to escalate the situation, perhaps even militarily. There are substantial economic interests: the Americans have been in the Ukraine since the beginning. They have even made agreements with Ukrainian companies, even investing in some of them. So there are substantial economic interests, and it is all the more critical that Europe not be dragged into this (by the Americans), but that we act in our own interests. This means peace and cooperation of course with Russia, improving the relationship which has cooled off markedly in the past months.)
What exactly America's "substantial economic interests" are in the Ukraine Ms Wagenknecht doesn't explain. Does she mean Ukraine's wheat harvest (the US is an exporter of wheat), does she mean Ukrainian coal (the US is a coal exporter)? Maybe she means the handful of McDonald's franchises in the country?
One thing is clear: In the long run, Russia can't be friends with Le Pen AND the left wing guys at the same time ;-)
Posted by: Zyme | March 09, 2015 at 02:17 PM
I agree - Putin has much more of an affinity with the right wing groups (influence of the Russian Orthodox Church).
Posted by: Russ | March 09, 2015 at 03:03 PM
Sahra Wagenknecht is the most brilliant analyst of all German politicians. She's right about everything:
Posted by: wolf-nrw | March 14, 2015 at 10:37 AM
What a crock of sh*t! Nobody takes Stratfor seriously as a source of information - except for a handful of conspiracy nuts!
Posted by: Russ | March 15, 2015 at 11:12 AM