I had never heard of Werner Rügemer, but evidently the author and former DKP man is an expert on America and the history of the United States. Werner Rügemer was the keynote speaker at Albrecht Müller's recent anti-American hatefest in Pleisweiler-Oberhofen.
Herr Rügemer spoke about 100 years of American evil-doing in Germany and how the United States has done everything it can to subjugate Germany - turning it into a virtual US colony. In his speech he presented a long list of damning evidence - including transcripts of private conversations between former president Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger where they said nasty things about then-chancellor WIlly Brandt. But there is much more: American agencies such as Moody's and Standard & Poor's have forced investors in Germany to accept their ratings, American tax advisers such as Deloitte have helped German multinational corporations shelter their taxes in Luxembourg, and the evil American fund manager Blackrock has taken over Deutsche Bank. Another key clue to American dominance: the American Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said famously : "F*ck the EU!".
In the follow-up Questions and Answer session Herr Rügemer explained how the Marshall Plan was a diabolical plot to weaken Germany and impose American dominance over Western Europe. He also revealed that German car companies Daimler, VW and BMW investing $billions in America to manufacture cars was really a US effort to weaken German labor unions.
These are just a few of the nuggets of wisdom I learned from Werner Rügemer's presentation.
Herr Rügemer has been sounding the alarm about the evils of America for some time. In 1986 he published Der Kranke Weltpolizist: Das Innenleben der USA als Gefahr für den „Rest der Welt“. Werner Rügemer is evidently also an expert on Israel. Last year he appeared at an "Anti-Zionist" forum together with the conspiracy theorist Ken Jebsen and told the audience that Israel is a „Versuchslabor für Überwachungs- und Tötungstechnologie“ ("An experimental lab for surveillance and killing technology").
Werner Rügemers Hass richtet sich auch gegen Israel:
Man beachte besonders die letzten fünf Minuten...
Posted by: André | May 06, 2015 at 06:32 AM
Criticism: http://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=27465
His reply: http://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=27511
Review of his reply: http://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=27900
Posted by: KR | October 18, 2015 at 06:18 AM