The favorite question of conspiracy theorists is Cui Bono? Who benefits? Wem nutzt es? For the large conspiracy community in Germany the answer is simple: The Americans! Die Amis! Or, in Saxony: The Jews! Or better: The American Jews! Or: "Der Jude George Soros"!
Who benefits from the EU bailout of Greece? The Americans; they want to destroy Europe. And when that didn't completely succeed the Americans paid human smugglers to send thousands - hundreds of the thousands - of migrants/refugees from Syria and other Middle Eastern countries, providing them with smartphones in the process.
So now Volkswagen is in an existential crisis after it was caught using software to generate false emissions data in the US. The German stock market guru Dirk Müller - aka "Mr. Dax" asks (H/T Andrė) asks:
Warum kommt also gerade jetzt diese große Aufregung um VW? Cui bono? Wem nutzt es, sei an dieser Stelle gefragt. (Why suddenly all this uproar concerning VW? Cui bonb? It's time to ask the question: who benefits from all this?)
Mr Dax has the answer!
Aber ist es nicht ein bemerkenswerter Zufall, dass dieses Thema just an jenem Tag in den USA hochkommt, an dem VW dort seinen lang erwarteten neuen Passat vorstellt, das Fahrzeug, dass in den nächsten Jahren den Heimatmarkt von GM und Ford aufwirbeln sollte? Man scheint diese zweifellos unschöne Situation zumindest nun brutalstmöglich ausnutzen zu wollen. Ein frontaler Angriff auf die bisher übermächtige deutsche Automobilindustrie, das Herz der deutschen Wirtschaft, ist die Folge. Und was machen wir? Wir spielen dieses Spiel mit Begeisterung mit.
("But don't you think it's an extraordinary coincidence that this surfaces on the very day in the US when VW unveils its long-awaited new Passat, the vehicle which in the next few years will give GM and Ford a run for their money in their domestic market? It is clear they want to take full advantage of this unfortunate situation. A frontal attack on German industry, which up to now was all-powerful. And what do we do? We play along with great enthusiasm.")
It is still not clear how the diabolical Americans pulled this one off. Did the CIA embed software engineers in Wolfsburg? But Mr. Dax is wrong about one thing: while Mercedes and BMW are respected brands in the US market, VW was always a distant also-ran. There is absolutely no way that the new Passat would give GM or Ford any heartburn.
You Should always read the whole postof Dirk Müllerf before you give stupid answers. But by the way People Like Soros Nobody will Need them they do not invest they only destroy
Posted by: Heinrich Schumann | September 27, 2015 at 11:54 AM
"You Should always read the whole postof Dirk Müllerf before you give stupid answers."
I did read it to the end and should have included in my post his reference to yet ANOTHER supposed conspiracy against VW.
"Bemerkenswert ist übrigens auch, dass am gleichen Tag in Brasilien Klage gegen VW erhoben wird, weil der Konzern in den Jahren 1964-1985 (!) mit der damaligen Diktatur zusammengearbeitet haben soll. Es gibt schon merkwürdige Zufälle.
Keine weiteren Fragen, Euer Ehren."
He seems to imply this Brazilian action was somehow coordinated with the Americans.
Posted by: David | September 27, 2015 at 01:16 PM
What surprised me was how much of a fuss was generated in USA about this. Wherever I went in this country, I rarely ever saw vehicles which would inflict less on our "precious environment".
In Russia people apparently simply shrugged and forgot about it. Why is it any different in USA?
Posted by: Zyme | September 28, 2015 at 02:59 AM
Is the first thing that i thougth , there is a comercial war out there.
But you have to be really an asshole to do what vW did.
Posted by: Ferdo Crane | September 28, 2015 at 06:52 AM