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October 10, 2015


John Kocur

So is this some of the new liberal math? One out of three in Germany (142K out of 565K) is "comparatively few" while one out of three in the Soviet Union (1 Million out of 3 Million) is comparatively more?


142K out of 565K ~ one out of four- That's comparatively few, though 4 is more than 3.


The column "Pre-war Jewish Population" better would have been omitted to avoid information overflow for anti-liberal readers and to let them understand that "most of the Jews who perished in the Nazi death camps were non-Germans and not subject to the Waffengesetz".


I sometimes make the false assumption that my readers have at least an average IQ.

Sathiaja Sarah

Hello admin
I like your post for your brilent thinking. It's truely amzing. keep it up. By the way please look at-- Now Myth festiv is one of the world wide enjoyble festivel. It is originally made popular during this period in many discotheques that catered to various communities, including Latino American,

Sathiaja Sarah

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