Recently I made an attempt to identify important groups or individuals in Germany who comprise Putin's Fifth Column, a constellation that spans the far Right to the far Left. The challenge is keeping track of the growing number of nützliche Idioten in Germany. It is easier to keep tabs on the Left: one only need monitor the activities of Die Linke (the Left Party) or follow Junge Welt and NachDenkSeiten. But the Far-Right is much more difficult, since it is much larger and much more fragmented. That said, the Kremlin has shrewdly targeted the Far-Right with its propaganda through its principal media outlet RT Deutsch (Russia Today):
"Even before the invasion of Crimea led to increased tension between Russia and the West, RT was pursuing a very distinct anti-Western, anti-American and anti- democratic narrative. In 2010, Sonia Scherr of the Southern Poverty Law Center,< an American NGO, was already describing RT as reporting “with boosterish zeal on conspiracy theories popular in the resurgent ‘Patriot’ movement, whose adherents typically advocate extreme anti-government doctrines”. RT had been regularly giving exposure to fringe figures who promoted conspiracy theories about the September 11 attacks being “an inside job” as well as Barack Obama being born abroad and the US being a “tool of the New World Order”.
In Germany, the Kremlin's most "useful idiot" on the Right has been Manuel Ochsenreiter, editor of the magazine Zuerst!
"RT first involved Ochsenreiter, alternately introduced as a “political analyst”, “German<journalist” and “Syria expert”, in 2013 to provide his opinion on “the German government [selling] the privacy of German citizens to the US government” and the US government and CIA’s alleged involvement in the “Syria conflict” which he called a “proxy war”. In March 2014 Ochsenreiter illegally travelled to Russia-occupied Crimea to “observe” the “referendum”, and,on 21 April, he denied the Russian occupation of Crimea in an interview for the Voice of Russia despite the fact that Putin had himself already admitted the deployment of Russian troops in this Ukrainian republic on 17 April."
2014 saw a surge in Ochsenreiter’s comments for RT. In numerous interviews, he expounded his views on the situation in Ukraine from a pro-Kremlin perspective and even went so far as to declare that Ukraine had ceased to exist: “The Ukrainian state, what we saw now on the map, when we put the map on the table, is not existing anymore; it is a failed state, an empty entity, which is in the west governed by a putsch gang of people who were imposed by the West, by NATO, as well as the European Union.”
Vladimir Putin can look with satisfaction at the success of his propaganda initiatives in Germany. Broad swaths of both the Left and Right profess their loyalty to the Kremlin. And Putin remains a favorite figure at the weekly Pegida marches.
A profile of Manuel Ochsenreiter would not be complete without his close contacts with the fascist ideologue Alexandr Dugin:
Considering that Dugin wants Russia to conquer Europe, Ochsenreiter and not Volker Beck is committing high treason.
Posted by: sol1 | October 27, 2015 at 06:51 AM