The "magazine for a sovereign Germany" COMPACT has organized a conference taking place on October 24, 2015 in Berlin. The conference is devoted to ending American "occupation" of Germany. As stated on the conference Web site:
Die USA haben auf allen Kontinenten eine Kolonial-Diktatur errichtet. Wir werden ausgespäht, abgehört, überwacht. Die Zensoren des Imperiums beherrschen unsere Medien. Google, Facebook und Apple kontrollieren unsere geheimsten Gedanken. Virtuelle Fußabdrücke, die wir hinterlassen, sind wie Blutspuren, denen die NSA-Spürhunde nachschnüffeln. Begonnen hat der Feldzug der angelsächsischen Raubtierkapitalisten jedoch schon vor hundert Jahren. Mit der Gründung der amerikanischen Notenbank Federal Reserve durch die mächtigsten privaten Finanzhaie entstand ein Papiergeld-Moloch, der sich nur durch beständige Vertilgung stofflicher Werte am Leben erhält. Ein Land, das diese Werte nicht freiwillig ausliefert, wird mit Krieg überzogen.
("The US has established a colonial dictatorship on all continents. We are being spied on and monitored. The empire's censors control our media. Google, Facebook and Apple control our most secret thoughts. Virtual footprints are like blood stains for the NSA bloodhounds. The brutal campaign of the the Anglo-Saxon predator capitalists started already one hundred years ago. The most powerful financial sharks created a giant paper-money monster with the Federal Reserve banks which survives only by the constant destruction of anything of material substances. Any nation that does not submit voluntarily to this program is taken to war.")
The highlight of the conference is a live video address by former Republican presidential candidate and Texas congressman Ron Paul . Dr. Paul has distinguished himself in the past as an isolationist and critic of the American monetary system. He has maintained ties with neo-Nazi and white supremacists groups in the US and met with the leader of the far-right nationalist group Front National Marine Le Pen. See my post Ron Paul and the Neo-Fascists.
The organizer of the conference and publisher of COMPACT is Jürgen Elsässer, who is widely-known in Germany as a leading 9/11 Truther and Putin fanatic. Elsässer is also seen as the leader of the German Querfront movement (literally "Cross Front Movement"), an unholy alliance of neo-Nazis, racists, conspiracy theorists, anti-Semites and Putin loyalists united in their hatred of NATO, the United States and Israel. A perfect audience for Dr. Paul!
Your six-degrees-of-Ron-Paul game is most amusing but off base.
Posted by: James | October 12, 2015 at 02:23 PM
You don't have to believe me, but how about the NYTImes?
Also, why is he lending his name and voice to the nut jobs at COMPACT?
Posted by: David | October 12, 2015 at 02:48 PM
Bunch of nuts.
Posted by: Hattie | October 13, 2015 at 01:18 PM
David: I find your missives quite informative. I've been checking up on the German Ron Paul fan club. Working up a press "Wonksplainer" - I can't watch this anymore. It's about time someone pointed their noses in the right direction. Our American counterparts won't be left out of the loop. I have family in Germany. Imagine how enraged I was to discover this Tea Party lunacy being played out in Europe as if it weren't bad enough in the U.S.
I noticed your post at DK (found via search). They simply aren't listening, are they?
Posted by: kfreed | November 14, 2015 at 09:08 AM