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November 08, 2015



Bad link (.com), you should fix it.




nachdenkseiten already deleted the documents ;-)
all Krugmaan translation pdfs through
"404 Not Found


nachdenkseiten already deleted the documents ;-)
all Krugman translation pdfs throw
"404 Not Found


You know, Paul Krugman's articles are very good and should be translated for distribution in Germany. But not on a conspiracy site.

When Albrecht Mueller published an article on RT Deutsch stating that there is no press freedom in the United States and that the NY Times was a "US government newspaper" I decided it was unacceptable that NDS continue to violate the copyright laws of the United States. On the one hand he attacks the NY Times as a "CIA-Blatt" and on the other he steals the content. That's not okay!


Comment from André:

Ich sehe das auch so!
Ich habe dies in meinem neuen Blog satirisch thematisiert:



Dear Mr. Krugman,

allow me to recommend the following book:

"Meinungsmache" from Albrecht Müller

The Kindle edition will be very useful to read. Along with your knowledge of the language of your ancestors (assumption), it is possible this very inspiring work to read on the original.

Unfortunately there is no English version.

with kind regards

Karoline V.

P.S. http://www.nachdenkseiten.de


I can also recommend to Dr. Krugman this study put out by the pro-labor foundation Otto Brenner Stiftung:

"Querfront" – Karriere eines politisch-publizistischen Netzwerks


Mike Schneider

Krugman is a Marxist-cum-Keynesian who was promoted to his present position and festooned with awards for being the unwaveringly loyal international socialist twat that he is.

Expect nothing good out of him.

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