An enterprising German citizen is circulating an online petition for Germany to leave NATO and join the Russian Federation:
Wollen wir uns wirklich von ein paar irren Bankstern und von unseren gekauften Politikern weiterhin zur "Speerspitze gegen Russland" mobilisieren lassen? Möchten wir weiterhin die Demütigungen Russlands sowie völkerrechtswidrige Sanktionen (Kriegshandlungen) gegen Russland im Namen unserer Regierung dulden? Wollen wir uns weiterhin an einem Nato-Angriffsbündnis beteiligen und an den Folgen erliegen.
("Do we really want to be mobilized by a few crazy banksters and by our corrupt politicians to become the "spearhead against Russia"? Do we really want to tolerate the humiliation of Russia as well as the illegal sanctions (military activities) against Russia in the name of our government? Do we really want to keep participating in this NATO "Attack Alliance" and suffer the consequences.?)
The only way out of this mess to join with Putin and become part of "Greater Russia".
Die BRICS sind die Zukunft! TIPP, NSA, Ceta, ESM, Target2... sind die Vergewaltiger der deutschen Bevölkerung. Machen wir jetzt den ersten Schritt für einen befreienden Neustart in eine souveräne Zukunft. Gestalten wir unsere Zukunft jetzt im Einklang der vernünftigen deutsch-russischen Interessen.
("Our future is with the BRICS! TIPP, NSA, Ceta, ESM, Target2 - these are the rapists of the German people. Let us take the first step to liberate ourselves and face a sovereign future. We must shape our own future!. Now in accordance with rational German- Russian interests")
So far, over 700 people have signed the petition. It is interesting to read some of the comments of the supporters. To be sure, they reject the liberal policies of the West and embrace Putin:
("We have to finally wake up and recognize that Russia is not the enemy, but rather our terrific "ally" - the USA, which views us Germans as mere vassals - nothing more, nothing less, there is no equality....
That's why I celebrate this action. Let us extend our hand to Putin, and then we'll see what true democracy is and true peace!!")
How much longer before Sahra and Oskar sign the petition?
I wonder why there is a world map on their logo and not a map of Poland.
Posted by: koogleschreiber | November 13, 2015 at 02:19 AM
Poor Poland, forever trapped in the middle of the German-Russian love-hate dynamic.
Posted by: David | November 13, 2015 at 08:11 AM
This guy is an event manager for children's birthday parties with driving equipment...
Posted by: jamil | November 13, 2015 at 09:53 AM
Ja, Ja. Ich verstehe. Puto hat bezalt. Ich habe auch das haesstlichtes Propaganda Puto geschenkt hat gesehen.
Posted by: Henry Vandenburgh | November 15, 2015 at 01:41 AM
There's some wonderful stuff about US war crimes in WW2 in German (posted by the rapists of Berlin.) Amazing.
Posted by: Henry Vandenburgh | November 15, 2015 at 01:43 AM
Great read, thanks!
Posted by: John | December 27, 2017 at 09:49 AM