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December 12, 2015



As a child I considered joining the Regensburger Domspatzen, where Ratzinger's brother was part of its teaching personnel, as I loved singing :-).

I am so relieved I didn't!

Maybe the celibacy is to blame for those excesses?
I really can't see why we should support (or keep alive?) such organisations by a state tax. How I would prefer the French approach!


I agree with you here, Zyme.

Churches here in the US are not taxed, but at least they do not get subsidies and are supported entirely by private donations. Still, it makes me angry that fake religions like the "Church of Scientology" had a tax-exempt status.


As far as I am aware the state tax was introduced to offer church organisations a compensation for the nationalization of much of the churches' possessions in the early 19th century.

Now that they have lived from that money for 200 years, maybe someone can finally pull the plug?

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