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December 22, 2015



Never forget this:

Obama lied he will...
...protect whistleblowers, but then Obama has sentenced whistleblowers to 31 times the jail time of all prior U.S. presidents COMBINED.

... restore the American people's trust in their government by making government more open and transparent, but then he backed mass surveillance on the American people. Obama idea of transparent government also includes secret courts, gag oders for those receiving "National Security Letters" (which do not require prior approval from a judge).

I really don't understand why one should be afraid of that clown Donald Trump. Could he be worse than Obama? If that was true, I can't help but say you deserve it. You willingly give up all of your privacy, you willingly accept a superstasi that has selector lists for every citizen and that collects and analyses every information of every citizen. So what? Are you afraid that someone may come and take advantage of these conditions usually reserved for dictatorships? Too funny, too late.

Humor ist, wenn man trotzdem lacht:

Happy New Year.


"I really don't understand why one should be afraid of that clown Donald Trump. Could he be worse than Obama?"



"I really don't understand why one should be afraid of that clown Donald Trump. Could he be worse than Obama?"


That would be pretty bad.


But him winning isnt likely anyway is it. How could he win in a country with a populace undermined by the very immigrants he is seeking to take a tougher stance on?

Let's just enjoy the show in case he is nominated. It sure won't be boring.

For a time his effect might be similar to the AfD in Germany: Not likely to win, but prone to wake up the political class to the requirements of the original populace.



I can't enjoy the show anymore. At first, I admit, Trump was entertaining. But now he has unleashed an ugly force in America - driven by fear,resentment and racism. Not sure how we can put that genie back in the bottle.

Not unlike what Pegida has done in Saxony.


I can see people like him winning more and more countries in Europe (which as you know does not bother me the least).

However there is no need for you to get hysterical concerning the USA, given its heterogeneous population, I would say. If you think differently I would love to read why!

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