I've watched a number of YouTube videos of "Peace Demonstrations" in Germany and was surprised that one of the constant themes is the Rothschild Family and the US Federal Reserve Bank: these are supposedly the evil powers behind all the wars of the 2oth Century up to the present day. Here in the US the House of Rothschild is hardly ever mentioned except in books on the history of merchant banking. True, the Federal Reserve Bank is often criticized by extremist libertarian groups here (as well as Ron Paul fans), but for dangerous "fractional reserve banking" - not for starting wars. But in Germany, the power of the Rothschilds and the evils of the Federal Reserve Bank are part of the mainstream mythology of both the Right and Left. It is even part of the curriculum at the University of Cologne. I never understood what was behind this conspiracy theory that is so popular in Germany. Until now.
Laura-Luise Hammel, a graduate student at the University of Mainz, has made her 2015 masters thesis - Antisemitische und antiamerikanische Verschwörungstheorien: Eine Diskursanalyse im Umfeld der "Mahnwachen für den Frieden" im Frühjahr 2014 available for public download (download link here). Ms. Hammel has done excellent work here, using original sources and conducting interviews with many of the protesters and speakers at the "peace" demonstrations.
Ms. Hammel devotes an entire chapter of her thesis to the history of the Rothschild/Federal Reserve Bank conspiracy. In the process, she shows how anti-Americanism is the flip side of anti-Semitism and how deeply both are ingrained in the German "peace" movement. The "theory" is also an attempt to rewrite modern history and make the German Volk the victims (Opfer) of US "imperialist" motivations:
Eine Umkehr der Täter und Opfer in Bezug auf die Geschichte des Zweiten Weltkrieges und der nationalsozialistischen Verbrechen sowie die damit verbundene Relativierung der Schuld der deutschen Täter lässt sich innerhalb des Sagbarkeitsfeld der Diskursgemeinschaft der Friedensbewegung 2014 primär dann feststellen, wenn die Schuld am Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkrieges und an der nationalsozialistischen Vernichtung in den Konzentrationslagern nicht bei den Deutschen und ihren Verbündeten gesehen wird, sondern bei den Bankern der amerikanischen Notenbank, der Federal Reserve Bank.
("One can easily see how the discourse community of the 2014 peace movement tries to reverse the roles of perpetrator and victim with respect to the history of the Second World War and Nazi crimes and then diminishing the blame of the German perpetrators. For they shift the blame for starting the Second World War and the Holocaust from the Germans and their allies to the bankers at the Federal Reserve Bank.")
But who were these evil bankers? Under whose orders did they initiate war and cause the Holocaust to take place?
Durch die Andeutungen in den untersuchten Quellen auf die Religionszugehörigkeit der Banker und den wiederholenden Hinweis darauf, die Entscheidungsträger der Federal Reserve Bank würden im Auftrag der Rothschilds handeln, wird den anderen Teilnehmern des Diskurses suggeriert, bei den Tätern würde es sich um Juden handeln.[1] Die jüdischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus werden in dieser Sichtweise zu Tätern gemacht, die die Verbrechen durch ihre Bankenpolitik entweder bewusst gefördert (Ausbruch des Krieges) oder nicht verhindert haben, obwohl es in ihrer Macht gestanden hätte (nationalsozialistische Vernichtungspolitik). Im Umkehrschluss werden die deutschen Täter zu Opfern eines Komplotts, der von den Bankern der amerikanischen Notenbank im Sinne ihrer Finanzpolitik eingefädelt wurde, wodurch die deutsche Schuld am Zweiten Weltkrieg und den Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus in einem vermeintlich anderen Licht erscheint und relativiert wird.[2]
("The sources keep alluding to the religious affiliation of the banks and that the management of the Federal Reserve Bank were acting on behalf of the Rothschilds, while other participants in the discourse suggest that the perpetrators were Jews. In this way, the Jewish victims of National Socialism are made out to be the perpetrators, who, through bank policy either expressly facilitated the outbreak of war or didn't prevent it even though they had the power to do so. In this historical reversal the German perpetrators become victims of a sinister plot devised by the bankers of the Federal Reserve, in which German guilt for the Second World War and the crimes of the Nazis appear in a different light and made relative.")
No doubt many (most?) of the people who attend these so-called "peace demonstrations" really do desire peace, but the organizers of the events subject everybody in attendance to wild conspiracy theories with a strong undercurrent of anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism. With her 2015 study, Laura-Luise Hammel shows that 70 years after the Holocaust many in Germany have not progressed beyond the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
elite controls the bank system, the banks push for the war, to them it's a form of investmente.
Genuine protestres have nothing to do with antisemitism or racism
Posted by: mel | December 11, 2015 at 01:19 PM
Who are the "elite"? And just how do they start wars through banks?
Pure conspiracy theory.
Posted by: David | December 11, 2015 at 05:40 PM
No, it's not exactly.Blaming everything on the Rothschilds is wrong, of course. They're just one oligarchy family of thousands in the world, there are around 2000 billionares in the world, mostly people from the arms industry, financial sector, oil companies and so on. These people really profit from war, and they use their political power to make them happen, the name ''Cecil Rhodes'' is a good example for this. He started the famous ''DeBeers'' Diamond Company,and used his money and political power to ''make the british empire'' win, he supported and profited from the co called ''boers-wars'', (the boers were people from south africa, south nafrica is rich of gold, diamonds and other stuff)
Posted by: David H | January 03, 2016 at 07:55 AM
Do you know how the Federal Reserve Bank is structured? The Rothschilds have zero to do with it, nor did the Fed have anything whatsoever to do with any war.
The Federal Reserve Bank has only two functions: It is the "lender of last resort" to preserve liquidity in the banking system, and it regulates monetary policy to keep inflation in check.
Posted by: David | January 03, 2016 at 10:39 AM
Greece today starving.. 1840 Rothschild arrive with a king call OTO from Germany and start to print drachmas and now € (same he is doing in USA ) charging 10% to 35% pa , beside open the greeg central bank an owner 100% the sears to win all assets we have
( Aristotle’s 2500 years before remind us (but until recently were secret ) :
1) The money from the effort has a limit (production).
2) while the money from air (interest) has no limit .
So.., if someone lend a producer may this someone to get all production and stay extra debt it does not cost anything to the "someone" to lend for 6% with 16% or 666% so he puts slowly by hand colrateral ,field, home’w etc of the producer )
Today Rothschild with Rockefeller and Janet Yellen with Standard & Poors Moody's Fitch etc dictate Greece assets and send the profit outside leaving here 40% unemployment all this backing of Ashkenazi Greek Jew’s politicians hu works only to close for ever business and make Greeks to emigrate , importing uneducated fanatic Muslims to fear people , Markel as se is also from Ashkenazi Jew tree, is keeping the drive f/b of the Rothschild family.
Posted by: omiros | January 07, 2016 at 07:33 AM
More anti-Semitic garbage.
But your creative conspiracy theory that Angela Merkel is a distant relative of Rothschild did make me laugh this morning. Thanks for that!
Posted by: David | January 07, 2016 at 07:48 AM
Wake up!
I have hardly been looking into this and it is quite obviously a system that can only be described as "evil". I just have no other word for it.
In our western capitalistic societies money is privilege and by extension power. So whoever has the money has the power.
The estimated debt of the entire world is $200 Trillion.
The estimated money in circulation worldwide is $80 Trillion.
The estimated worldwide market value is $1.2 Quadrillion.
Here is an actual quote by Thomas Jefferson warning of the dangers of private banks:
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
I like some conspiracy theories but at the end of the day I'm just following the money. And it often leads back to these mega-banks and their interests, not public interests, and considering the debt, not even state interests.
Or do any of honestly believe that constantly waging war all around the planet is a good foreign policy?
The drone program under Obama killed 90% civilians. In other word the recruitment program for terrorist organizations was funded by US tax dollars.
And your excuse is still: "Well, they keep doing it, so I guess they're just stupid."
If you truly believe that, than you are the stupid one.
Who makes the decision tho spend trillions on an unwinnable war?
Or more importantly why?
If the state does not profit. (The Federal Reserve paid 97.7 billion to the US Treasury in 2015, which is just a big "fuck you!")
And the public does not profit.
Who the fuck profits?
Just a few people. And you all owe them! Because your state does. And you are just a citizen.
Posted by: dude | February 16, 2017 at 07:27 AM