I wasted nearly 45 minutes watching this video of Ken Jebsen's "presentation" in Aachen. Rarely have I heard anything quite so incoherent - the man is a wannabe demagogue who jumps from one topic to another in staccato tempo without any evident rhyme or reason- punctuating each sentence with "Okay?" Why he has such a large and growing following in Germany is a mystery to me. His themes are certainly popular: America is evil. Capitalism is evil. Israel is evil. The established media is evil. And so on.... The entire presentation was a variation on these central themes.
What really made me depressed, however, is that the audience applauded everything Jebsen said. And when he shouted "Deutschland muss raus aus der NATO; und die NATO muss raus aus Deutschland!" there was prolonged applause.
(Note: this is just a "teaser" to Jebsen's presentation. The presentation itself cannot be embedded, but you can view it here.
The event was organized by the Evangelische (Lutheran) Church (!). Were they channeling Martin Luther's rabid anti-Semitism?
If you missed this presentation, you can still plan on attending Werner Rügemer's presentation in April on how (Jewish) Wall Street bankers started BOTH World War One and World War II:
"Herrscher und Vasallen
8. April 2016, 19 Uhr
Aachen, Haus der evangelischen Kirche
Hören Sie den Vortrag von Dr. Werner Rügemer, Publizist und Referent aus Köln, über die schrittweise Eroberung Europas seit dem ersten Weltkrieg."
The greater question I find interesting indeed: Should Germany remain in the Nato?
Lying on the ground after WW2, Nato surely made plenty of sense for Germany. However what about today? Given our economic size, our military could easily grow into a force not requiring such an alliance anymore.
So do our nation's interests really benefit from Nato membership? Or would we be better off by pursuing our interests on our own / with selected European neighbours?
Posted by: Zyme | February 17, 2016 at 06:29 PM
Music to Putin's ears!
Posted by: David | February 18, 2016 at 06:08 AM
And terrific for Germany's neighbors.
Posted by: KR | February 18, 2016 at 01:11 PM
"Why he has such a large and growing following in Germany is a mystery to me."
I don't think his audience is growing. The people at his presentation are obviously so old that they could have participated in the peace marches of the early 1960ies.
Posted by: sol1 | February 18, 2016 at 02:38 PM
I hope you are right!
Posted by: David | February 18, 2016 at 03:15 PM